#1 The Cliff Hanger
Sleeping on opposite sides of the bed, often facing outwards. Signals distance in the relationship, or if it's seldom, the couple just needs a good night sleep.

Sleeping on opposite sides of the bed, often facing outwards. Signals distance in the relationship, or if it's seldom, the couple just needs a good night sleep.
#2 The Crab
Various position in the bed, not touching. Signals issues in relationship where one partner needs space and the other needs more

Various position in the bed, not touching. Signals issues in relationship where one partner needs space and the other needs more
#3 Shingles
Man on back, female on back, resting head in crevice of man's shoulder. Woman dependent on man.
Man on back, female on back, resting head in crevice of man's shoulder. Woman dependent on man.
#4 Pillow Talk
Face To Face not touching. Need for one on one contact and conversation.
#5 Hollywood
Man on back, woman laying head on man's chest. New relationship.
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