The Black Friday sales started at 12am on Friday, and as you can most likely tell, the rush has been mad, but most people cant seem to find what they are looking for.
The key to making great use of Black Fridays is to use the websites properly and know where to go for what.
Below is a step by step process:
1. Open the Jumia app or website.
2. On the App or website click on the Black Friday Banner.
NEWS FLASH: Best Deals Still Available on Jumia For Black Friday (HURRY)
NEWS FLASH: Best Deals Still Available on Jumia For Black Friday (HURRY)
3. Click on any of the categories you are interested in.
NEWS FLASH: Best Deals Still Available on Jumia For Black Friday (HURRY)
NEWS FLASH: Best Deals Still Available on Jumia For Black Friday (HURRY)

4. Not seeing anything you like? Not to worry, simply browse by brands. Or go down to thebottom of the page and click on page 2.
I hope this has been helpful. 
Also read more on the history of Black Friday Below:
NEWS FLASH: Best Deals Still Available on Jumia For Black Friday (HURRY)

Black Friday is the day following Thanksgiving Day in the United States (the fourth Thursday of November). Since the early 2000s, it has been regarded as the beginning of theChristmas shopping season in the US, and most major retailers open very early (and more recently during overnight hours) and offer promotional sales. Black Friday is not an official holiday, but California and some other states observe “The Day After Thanksgiving” as a holiday for state government employees, sometimes in lieu of another federal holiday such as Columbus Day. Many non-retail employees and schools have both Thanksgiving and the following Friday off, which, along with the following regular weekend, makes it a four-day weekend, thereby increasing the number of potential shoppers. It has routinely been the busiest shopping day of the year since 2005, although news reports, which at that time were inaccurate, have described it as the busiest shopping day of the year for a much longer period of time. Similar stories resurface year upon year at this time, portraying hysteria and shortage of stock, creating a state ofpositive feedback.
In 2014, spending volume on Black Friday fell for the first time since the 2008 recession. $50.9 billion was spent during the 4-day Black Friday weekend, down 11% from the previous year. However, the U.S. economy was not in a recession. Christmas creep has been cited as a factor in the diminishing importance of Black Friday, as many retailers now spread out their promotions over the entire months of November and December rather than concentrate them on a single shopping day or weekend.

Being able to manage your time most appropriately is something best done as early as possible. The earlier in life that you start, the better such skills will stick with you. Mastering these time management hacks in your 20s sets you up for success for the rest of your life. If you have not developed these skills just yet, don’t worry.

You can get started today! Choose one hack a day and you will make it through the list in less than a month.
1. Use a calendar app or calendar notebook every day

Keeping all of your appointments in your head is ineffective. That’s why successful people use calendar tools.

For example, I suggest using Google Calendar. It is free and you can set it up to send you email reminders for important activities. Receiving a reminder email about a trip a few days in advance is very useful.
2. Use a task management tool

Yes, keeping a to-do list is vital in successfully managing your time. At first, you may just use scraps of paper (I did that once as well).

It is much more effective to use a dedicated task management tool though. You could use a well made paper notebook such as a Moleskine, or even a digital tool (e.g. Remember the Milk, Microsoft Outlook or Nozbe).
3. Respect your need for sleep by getting 7 to 9 hours of sleep each day

Cutting out sleep to have more fun or get more work done is a short sighted strategy. While you can pull off this strategy in your 20s to a degree, it is a destructive habit to form.

Being tired all day means that you will be able to make effective use of your time, no matter how organized you are. So make it a habit of getting those legitimate seven to eight hours each night.
4. Do a weekly review of the past 7 days

Learning how to do a weekly review is one of the best time management habits for you to develop. The Weekly Review is a concept created by David Allen, author of the classic productivity book Getting Things Done.

To get started with a weekly review, go through the following steps:

– First, review your calendar for the past week and the current week – look for loose ends, meetings and other matters that need further attention.

– Second, review your email inbox (personal and company email accounts) and achieve inbox zero.

– Third, review your goals for the year and make plans to work on them in the coming week.

This practice will help you to better plan your schedule and avoid nasty surprises.
5. Plan to achieve four hours of real work per day

Did you know that project managers often assume people will be less than 100% productive per day? It’s true! You may have a standard eight hour work day but the reality is that only half of that day is likely to be highly productive.

The rest of the day will be taken up with meetings, responding to email, browsing the Internet and related activities.

Tip: Schedule your most important, high value tasks in the morning, before you get tired.
6. Focus on a single task at a time (i.e. no multitasking!)

Multitasking is a wasteful way to work. Instead, you will achieve more if you choose one activity at a time. For example, allocate one hour in the morning to work on a proposal for a client, then give yourself a short break.
7. Separate strategic and “brain dead” tasks

High value strategic tasks are what companies and clients pay for – coming up with new product ideas, ways to reduce cost and other improvements. However, it is difficult to deliver creative insights all day long.

When the last hour of the day arrives and you’re tired, work through “brain dead” tasks like installing security updates or tossing out old papers.
8. Accomplish large projects by breaking them down into smaller tasks

The ability to accomplish large projects is one of the most important time management hacks. For example, if you are assigned with organizing a corporate conference in six months, the effort may feel impossible.

Get started by writing a plan and asking for advice from people who have accomplished similar projects.
9. Set a maximum of three priority tasks per day

At the beginning of the day, it is easy to come up with a to-do list with dozens of items. Unfortunately, unplanned phone calls, requests from the boss and others quickly overturn the best plans.

Instead, simply choose three important tasks per day.

Resource: Want to build this activity into a habit? Use the Five Minute Journal to focus on what matters in your life.
10. Learn to delegate tasks effectively at work

Effective managers (and successful professionals) routinely delegate tasks so they can focus on their work better. The basic steps of effective delegation: describe the task and deadline, explain it to the person who will perform the task and ask to be kept informed.
11. Delegate household tasks as soon as you can afford it

During your 20s, you will have difficult years as you start your career. Once you have additional resources, look for domestic activities you can delegate.

For example, you may want to use a dry cleaning service to keep your professional clothes in good condition.
12. Review the past to become better, not assign blame

Repeating past mistakes is one of the worst ways to misuse your limited time. That’s why it makes sense to have review your projects, work deliverables and habits regularly.

For example, if your smart phone always runs out of power during the work day, buy a charging cable for the office. Putting that improvement in action will save you time and frustration in the future.
13. Set deadlines for every task

Giving deadlines to yourself is one of the best ways to stay organized. A task without a deadline is likely to frustrate you after all.

If your boss gives you a deadline for Friday, you may want to get the work done on Thursday instead so that you have time to review it.
14. Schedule travel time on your calendar

Travel time is a reality that we need to learn to manage. For example, you may realize that it takes you 10 minutes to travel from your main office building to a nearby client building.

That means you cannot afford to schedule back-to-back meetings and still be on time.

Tip: Plan for travel time using a worst case scenario (e.g. heavy traffic) – that way, you are more likely to arrive early.
15. Put a proven productivity system like ‘Getting Things Done’ into action

You don’t have to come up with every aspect of time management all on your own. Instead, invest the time to read a great time management book like Getting Things Doneby David Allen and put the ideas into action.

Tip: Set time aside every month to gain new knowledge and become more effective by reading good books: 11 Books To Make You Lead A Much More Productive Life.
16. Put personal rest and relaxation on your calendar

If you are driven to achieve results, it is easy to neglect yourself and work all the time. That’s why it you should always have time on your schedule for enjoyable activities.

For example, you may set aside Saturday afternoons to read a good book at home or play sports with friends.
17. Take breaks during the work day

Sitting in a chair at your desk all day is bad for your health according toPopular Science. To maintain your health and focus – key inputs for good time management – take breaks of 5-10 minutes every hour to walk around.

Simply getting a glass of water and stretching for a few minutes will do wonders for your body.

Resource: 29 Exercises You Can Do At (Or Near) Your Desk.
18. Learn to say no effectively

Saying yes to new responsibilities is a great way to grow your career when you first get started. Yet, this is a habit that you can take too far. If you are a people pleaser and struggle with saying no, then read The Power of No: Because One Little Word Can Bring Health, Abundance, and Happiness by James Altucher and Claudia Azula Altucher.
19. Use your values to make decisions about your time

Understanding yourself is essential to managing your time. For example, if your top value is family then you will have to manage your work requirements according to that value.

Discovering your values is challenging if you have never given thought to this area before.
20. Admit mistakes quickly and move on

Covering up mistakes wastes everyone’s time including your own. You can achieve much more in life if you admit your mistakes, solve the problem and move on.

Most managers are willing to forgive mistakes, especially if you are honest and work hard at preventing the mistake from occuring again.

Pope Francis held a Holy Mass in Kenya this morning to mark the country's National Day of Prayer and Reflection. He is visiting Kenya as part of his state visit to Africa. Continue to see more photos..

An Islamic State (Isis) propaganda website on the dark web has been taken down by hacktivists and replaced with an advert for a site selling Prozac and Viagra tablets and a message telling would-be IS supporters to calm down.

It read:'Too much ISIS. Enhance your calm. Too many people are into this ISIS-stuff. Please gaze upon this lovely ad so we can upgrade our infrastructure to give you ISIS content you all so desperately crave.'Ghost Sec, a faction of the hacktivist collective Anonymous (unaffiliated with the counter-terrorism organisation Ghost Security Group), targeted the Isdarat website after it appeared on the Tor anonymity network last week.

The website before it was hacked

The website was only accessible using the Tor browser, a type of specialist software that uses a system known as onion routing to disguise a user's location. Counter terrorism analysts have speculated that IS is turning to the dark web to safeguard its propaganda content from hacktivists.

According to the IBT, the website was taken down by Ghost Sec and it is believed to be the first time that a hacking group have taken down a website on the dark web.

The dark web is used as a way of sharing information and trading goods, but the anonymous and encrypted nature of it has attracted large amounts of illegal activities.

Source: Int'l Business Times

Best to have quality than trash quantity. (I actually believe that one day, somebody will do a small pamphlet of these my gem quotes”

“Best to have quality than trash quantity” – @Sirkastiq 2015

Today, I want to ‘talk’ about the latest fashion fad amongst us. If you look down the years, you’ll see how we’ve evolved from the days we rocked Moschino and Sean Johns, from the days of Nautica and FUBU, from the days when wearing baggy jeans meant we were really cool and rich. (Compare that to these days where fully grown, human men wear jeans skinnier than their fingers).

Life is funny uno, there was a time when our struggle was what we would score in JAMB and then after failing the first one, it shifted to “how much do I pay this guy to get me correct expo to pass?” Later it became “God, I beg I don’t want to carry-over, I can’t spill” to “Should I update my CV on jobberman, is it good enough?” As we go forward in life, our worries keep changing.

The most recent one for a lot of us is “When will I find boo/bae?” or in some cases “When will boo/bae find me?”

Listen, many people will hit you with the “God’s time is the best” and “don’t rush into a relationship” but my friend, YOU BETTER RUSH!!! Time still waits for man. Time doesn’t even have time so if you like sit down there and be expecting.

The mandate was clear. it’s almost year end. Evaluate your life, why have you been dulling? Need someone to help you realize why you need to get up off your ass, go out there and seize the fucking bae?!

Here’s reasons – you’re welcome!
Your eggs will soon expire/your sperm will soon become powder: Yup! Be there forming waiting for the right time, meanwhile inside your body, your reproductory materials are nearing expiry date.
Don’t you want to appear on Bella Weddings? : Is it not your mates that share their “inspiring” stories on BN? Why should your own be different? You’re there waiting, shey it’s until BN is no longer in existence that you will now find bae? If you know what’s good for you, better agree for that guy in your DMs.
Ring will soon finish in the market: Rings are getting scarce in the market, every Ahmed, Tunbosun and Chidera have bought rings even though they have no one to give it to. The economy dictates you purchase these items before scarcity hits. What? They don’t know the size of your finger? How is that the problem? Please focus on the ring and wear it round your neck when they give it to you.
Shoki, Shakitibobo and nae nae will soon go out of fashion. Can you imagine your wedding where you can’t bust the shoki you’ve been learning for months? So you won’t hang one leg in the air while giving them shakitibobo? Let me tell you – better maximize the fact that these songs/dance steps are still relevant. Now is the appointed time.
See how you’ve been seeing cute babies all around you and you’re like “OMG, I WANT!!!” How are you going to get? You think you can become the next Angelina Jolie? My friend, don’t be stupid. Say yes to that man now
Price of visa and ticket is now high. To go to turkey, UK, USA and all those places is long and expensive. With a bae that is ready and willing, you solve that problem and get to visit all these places on someone else’ tab. Why try to save so much when you can just find a willing account number? You people don’t pay me enough for all this wisdom.

I know the alliance of online feminists are probably reading this like “why is he seemingly referring to women? Why aren’t the men the hunted ones?” see, I’m not about to offend you people and your association. I’m a man and it’s only somewhat understandable that I write from this viewpoint. Don’t be offended, just go and seize the bae. The year is almost over, it’s like you want to be by yourself at Christmas and on Vals day. Ok o. you think you’re doing me? You’re doing yourself.

Let’s read your successful ‘seize the bae’ stories…or plans. Embrace the comment section

Few months spent under the tutelage of these awesome corpers, I was able to make out this list and i’m sure you’d agree with some of my points!

Let’s begin!

•The one who skips assignment.
This person is unaware about it, but she’s making her students life miserable by dumping countless assignments that are impossible to finish before the deadline.

•The Noob.
This corper has no experience at all in teaching. He is usually focused and is never late. The students will either forget about him or remember him because he’s HANDSOME

•The ace corper teacher.
Love him or hate him, he’s so good at doing his job. He usually coaches student contestants during inter-school quiz. He’s also known as the “over sabi corper”

•The absentee corper.
Who remembers his name? He might come to school like once in a month and the next time you’ll see him is when it’s time for principal to sign and give us our clearance for that month!

•The comedian.
One of the best corpers in school. They’re the most memorable ones, fun to be with, turning the class into a comedy show. The students will immediately forget about the lessons.

•The one who fails at explaining.
She’s incompetent. She’d just read whatever in her textbook and probably has no idea what she’s teaching.

•The counsellor.
Every class of hers is like a counselling session. She never fails to make an enlightening advice to her students. She might teach for 5mins and the remaining period is for counselling.

You can add yours!

Let start with Airtel NG, Are you aware that Airtel recently introduced 1GB plan not too long ago, I will keep this post very simple and short

To subscribe for Airtel 1GB at 1k simply dial *141*1*3#

Etisalat: Etisalat 1GB plan has been around for quite some time and I don’t really know why they decided to make it available for some selected individuals. The plan is okay, and the network is fast depending on your location.

To sub for Etisalat 1GB for N1,000 dial *229*2*7#
Glo NG, Glo too is not left out in this era of 1GB plan as they recently introduce theirs.

Glo 1GB is not sim selective at all.
To subscribe for Glo 1GB at 1k simply send 53 to 127

Ever try Googling someone only to come up with basic information and maybe a link or two to an outdated social media profile? There's a new website going around that promises to reveal much more then just a simple google search can show you.

Been issued a speeding ticket? Failed to stop at a stop sign? What about your family members? And friends? If you are like most of us, the answer to at least one of those questions is “yes”—the vast majority of us have slipped up at least once or twice.

An innovative new websiteInstant Checkmate is now revealing the full “scoop” on millions of Americans.

Instant Checkmate aggregates hundreds of millions of publicly available criminal, traffic, and arrest records and posts them online so they can easily be searched by anyone. Members of the site can literally begin searching within seconds, and are able to check as many records as they like (think: friends, family, neighbors, etc. etc.).

Previously, if you wanted to research someone’s arrest records, you might have had to actually go in to a county court office—in the appropriate county—and formally request information on an individual. This process may have taken days or weeks, or the information might not have been available at all. With websites likeInstant Checkmate, however, a background check takes just a few clicks of the mouse, and no more than a minute or two.

While preparing this article I decided to run a quick search on myself to give the service a real-world test. To my dismay, the search revealed several items I’d long forgotten—one of them being for the possession of a fake ID I was (embarrassingly) issued back in college when I was just 18 years old.
"possession of a fake ID I was (embarrassingly) issued back in college when I was just 18 years old"

After searching myself and finding those records, my curiosity was piqued, and I began researching family members—apparently my aunt Susanne isn’t a very good driver, judging by the numerous traffic citations that showed on her record.

One of the most interesting aspects of Instant Checkmate is that it shows not only criminal records, but also more general background information like court records, various types of licenses (FAA, DEA), previous addresses, phone numbers, birthdates, estimated income levels and even satellite imagery of known addresses—it’s really pretty scary just how much information is in these reports.

In addition to giving information on the specific person you search for, the report also includes a scrolling list of “local sex offenders” for whatever region you’ve searched—along with a map plotting out the locations of those offenders. I started perusing the ones that showed up in my report, and I wasabsolutely blown awaywhen I stumbled upon my junior high school wrestling coach’s mug shot.
"I was absolutely blown away when I stumbled upon my junior high school wrestling coach’s mug shot."

His crime was listed as "Out of state offense,"" so I wasn’t able to get the specifics (you usually can—this was an unusual case), but he was definitely a registered sex offender. Scary stuff.

I would definitelyrecommend this tool to friends and family. Anyone can start running background checks on Instant Checkmate within a few seconds—just click this link to get started.

If you would like to search someone you know, click here.

Note from the Author

I have to warn you before you start your search, the information you find may be overwhelming and has the potential of changing your view of the search subject forever. Keep this in mind when completing your search.

- Heidi R.
Former President Olusegun Obasanjo has officially commended immediate past President Goodluck Jonathan for successfully handing over to President Muhammadu Buhari.

Obasanjo charged Jonathan to continue to have faith in the nation Nigeria.

Baba, as the ex president is fondly called, made this commendation in his reply to President Jonathan’s earlier notification of his plans to establish a foundation following the end of his term in office as president.

Recall that Jonathan had in a letter dated September 22, 2015, formally notified Obasanjo of his intention to set up a foundation to promote good works.

Jonathan in the letter said:

“I will be devoting the rest of my life and energy to making the world a better place. I am currently finalizing efforts to set up The Goodluck Jonathan Foundation. More details on the work of the foundation will be available at the launch, which I believe should take place by the 3rd quarter of 2016.”

However, Obasanjo, in a response published by the online newspaper, Premium Times, wrote:

“Dear President Goodluck Jonathan,
I write to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of September 22, 2015. I take this opportunity to congratulate you on your successful handover to the current President of Nigeria, President Muhammadu Buhari.

“I am happy to note that you had a good rest and time with your family during the break. I hope you also had time to reflect and see what lessons you have learned and what you can bequeath to others. All of us who have had experience in our service to the nation and to humanity must not put it under the bushel.

“I have to commend you and your Foundation, Goodluck Jonathan Foundation, for the faith you continue to have in Nigeria. Maybe, seeking how to be better and more serviceable to the nation and humanity is also a form of penitence and soul-searching to give conscience a relief and to show remorse.

“I wish you well as you continue to forge ahead with your activities in the coming months and years. If there is any area you feel I can be of help, you should not hesitate to call on me.”

Kenyas are drawing blood on twitter after Fox TV in its report about Pope Francis' visit to the country, referred to Kenya as a "War Torn" country. This comes 4 months after CNN made the same mistake in a report in which they referred to the country as "Terror Bed". See what Kenyans are tweeting at Fox TV after the cut...

This is a side by side photo of one of Africa's biggest artists, Diamond Platnumz. What he used to look like vs what he looks like today...:-)

A consultant at the University College Hospital, Ibadan, Prof. Adefolarin Malomo, on Tuesday said one out of every five women would likely develop depression at some point in life.

Malomo, a neuro-surgeon, made the disclosure in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN).

He said that depression could occur at any age, but that it was most common in women between the ages of 49 and 59.

He explained that it was possible to develop depression with or without risk factors, and stressed that the more risk factors one had, the more likelihood of developing depression.

“More women are likely to be diagnosed with depression than men, but this may be due in part because women are more likely to seek treatment.

“Certain personality traits such as low self-esteem and being too dependent, self-critical or pessimistic more often lead to depression.

“Traumatic or stressful events, such as physical or sexual abuse, death or loss of a loved one or financial problems may also lead to depressive traits in women.

“Childhood trauma or depression that started when a child was younger, blood relatives with history of depression, alcoholism, bipolar disorder can also lead to depression,‘’ the consultant said.

He told NAN that a history of mental health disorders, such as anxiety disorder, eating disorders or post-traumatic stress disorder could also cause depression.

Malomo added that abuse of alcohol or illicit drugs, serious chronic illness like stroke and hypertension were also causative factors for depression.

He advised patients to seek medical help on time so as to nip the disease in the bud, saying that most patients of depression usually sought medical help when it was too late.

He said that prevention of all the symptoms was the best way to treat depression but added that medications and therapies were available for its treatment.


These are just pictures but they tell stories that will either Educate,entertain or motivate you...

The new Consul-General of the Consulate-General of Germany in Lagos, Mr Ingo Herbert, on Tuesday announced his government’s decision to increase scholarships for Nigerians and other Africans.

Herbert told the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Lagos that his government had at its recent bilateral meeting decided to increase its annual scholarships from 450 to “a more reasonable number”.

“Before now about 450 Nigerians benefit every year from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).

“But from our recent bilateral meeting, the German government has decided to increase its annual scholarships to Nigeria and other countries from 450 to a much more reasonable number,’’ he said.

Herbert said that the initiative was part of the German’s human development agenda aimed at giving more Africans opportunities to go and study in different German educational institutions.

The envoy also said that it had become imperative to increase the scholarships following the growing interest of Nigerians and other African in studying in Germany.

“We have realised that after the U.S. and U.K., most Nigerians and other foreign students like coming to study in Germany,’’ he said.

The consul-general said that German universities and colleges had started courses in English Language so as to be able to accommodate more Nigerians.

He restated his government’s commitment to encouraging and creating the right learning environment for the would be beneficiaries of the scholarships.

Herbert also expressed satisfaction with the successes currently being made by some Nigerians that had benefited from the scholarships in the past in their professions.


Two months after “clock boy” Ahmed Mohamed made international headlines, new details of his controversial arrest emerged Monday in a letter his attorney has sent to school and city officials in Irving, Texas.
As many as seven adults teamed up to interrogate the 14-year-old boy after a teacher mistook his homemade clock for a bomb and pressured him to sign a confession, according to the “letter of demand” from his lawyer warning of plans to file a $15 million suit.

Ahmed’s September arrest, deemed an overreaction by many observers, drew waves of sympathy and extensive news coverage; President Obama invited him to join several other science-inclined students at the White House’s “Astronomy Night” last month.

But his family, which shortly thereafter took up a benefactor’s offer to relocate to Qatar, argued in the letter that the boy’s reputation has been “permanently scarred.” They are seeking not only financial reparations but written apologies from the city’s mayor and police chief.

“Everyone in the country and around the world believes this has been a wonderful experience for Ahmed’s family, and in some ways, it has been,” said Anthony Bond, a family friend. “But now they are settled in Qatar, they have realized they are tremendously traumatized.”The letters elaborate on the timeline of the arrest, which set the Internet into a frenzy and changed a 14-year-old boy’s life forever.

The letter of demand alleges that officials at Ahmed’s school never really thought that his homemade clock, assembled from “spare parts and scrap pieces he had around the house,” was a bomb. Attorneys claim that Ahmed showed it to another teacher earlier in the day without consequence. But in his English class, a teacher told him it “looked like” a bomb.

An Irving School District spokeswoman said the district received the letter of demand this morning and that its own lawyers would “respond as appropriate, as with any legal matter,” but otherwise offered no comment.

Attorneys blame the school district and the city for “stoking the flames” and placing blame on Ahmed even after it was decided he would not be criminally charged and his “suspicious-looking item” was not a threat.

The family is demanding an apology from Van Duyne and others involved because they would like to return to Irving, attorney Kelly Hollingsworth said.

“Qatar is nice, but it is not Texas. That is their attitude toward this,” Hollingsworth said. “They are citizens of Irving, Texas, USA, first. Are they devout people devoted to their faith? Absolutely. But they are Texans, too, and they want to come home. What we are seeking is for them to be able to do that with their heads held high.”
“The generosity and support Ahmed has received has been very much appreciated, but what the system has to do is try to find a way to redress him,” Hollingsworth said. “What’s the effect of this young man having his reputation in the global community scarred for the rest of his life?”
Source: Washington Post