Drama involving transgenders and rappers...lol. So two weeks ago, popular transgender Sidney Starr shared a photo of herself with Swae Lee on social media. Swae is one half of rap duo Rae Sremmurd.

Apparently the rappers caught wind of Sidney's post just yesterday and decided they weren't cool with it. They reposted the picture with a long caption explaining she was the reason they don't like taking pictures with fans. See what they wrote after the cut and the reply they got from S. Brooks

That's when Sidney's bff, popular transgender Shauna Brooks came for them..

There are lots of trivial facts about this legendary masterpiece, but here are the 26 shoppy facts about the Mall Of America that caught my curiousity

Starting off with its size:

1. 258 Statues of Liberty could lie inside the Mall

2. 32 Boeing 747s could fit inside the Mall

3. 7 Yankee Stadiums can fit inside the MallCreative Commons / Flickr: 22875869@N02

4. If you were to visit the mall and spend 10 minutes inside every store, it would take you 86 hours to complete your journey.

5. It took 13300 tons of steel to build the Mall of America. That’s almost twice the amount it took to build the Eiffel Tower.

6. It boasts having a 1.2 million-gallon aquarium and feeding these aquatic creatures requires more than 100 pounds of food, daily.Creative Commons / Flickr: mellydoll

7. It cost more than $650 million to build the Mall of America in 1992.

8. And they just confirmed a $325 million expansion of the mall. By the way, a trip to the moon costs roughly $100 million per person.

9. The Mall of America generates almost $2 billion in annual revenue for the state of Minnesota

10. On Black Friday in 2013, 29-year-old Serge Vorobyov was “cited for disorderly conduct” forthrowing $1,000 off the fourth story balcony at the Mall of America. He was inspired to do so by aGEICO commercial.

11. The temperature inside the Mall, is always 70 degrees in winter, summer, spring or fallCreative Commons / Flickr: midatlanticbulldogrescue

12. You can get married at the Chapel of Love in the Mall of America. In fact, more than 7,000 people have gotten married at the Mall of America since it opened.

13. The Mall of America plans to install two zip lines in the very near future.

14. It has no central heating. Despite Minnesota’s hot summers and brutally cold winters, the only parts of the Mall of America that are heated are the entrances. The year-round 70 degree temperature that it averages is maintained by body heat, lighting fixtures, and solar heat from the skylights.

15. The Mall of America uses water-saving toilets. This saves 1.4 million gallons of water a year.

16. The Mall of America boasts 40 million visitors annually.

17. In lieu of pesticides, 72,000 lady bugs were released in the Mall of America to protect its tropical plant life from aphids.

18. Speaking of plant life, moving all of those trees into the Mall of America required the labor of 65 semi-trucks.

19. The Mall of America was built whereMetropolitan Stadium once stood (former home of the Vikings and the Twins). There are plaques around marking where home plate was and where iconic home runs landed.

20. Allegedly, one in three visitors comes from at least 150 miles away, while 4 out of 10 visitors are tourists of some kind.

Creative Commons / Flickr: 22875869@N02

21. The Mall of America holds the world record for having the most Ninja Turtles amassed in one area. There were 836. Previous record: 786.

22. There are more than 520 stores in the Mall of America.

23. The Mall of America produces upward of 4,000 pounds of biodiesel fuel monthly from recycled fryer fat.

24. The Mall of America employs roughly 11,000 employees year round, and about 13,000 during the peak seasons.

25. Contained within two parking ramps, the Mall of America offers 12,550 on-site parking spots.

26. It’s the largest mall in the United States, 4.87 million square feet.

Visit the official Mall of America’s website andread more freaky facts too.
If you feel any policeman passed their boundary, then you now have a number to call & report them. The numbers are also if you need the help of the police. Read their statement below...
In furtherance to the Inspector-General of Police, IGP Solomon Arase’s resolve to improve on the Force internal accountability mechanisms, enhance service delivery and make policing more transparent and community based, the following help lines; Provost Marshal - 09053872207, Control-Room - 09053872208, X-Squad - 09053872209
have been approved and released to the members of the public who may need the services of the police or make any complaint that will assist in nipping in the bub any act of misconduct regarding any policeman in Lagos State. We will continue to count on your continued support and co-operation for better services delivery. Police remain your friend and helper

The Oxford University women's rugby team, have stripped off for the Beat Calendar in 13 different rugby-related poses. The sexy shots, which show female members of the squad training & exercising in the nude, while wearing just their rugby socks and boots, will help to raise money for Beat, a charity supporting anyone affected by eating disorders or difficulties with food, weight, and shape

The calendar will be sold for £10 to students of the university and £12 to members of the public.
'The shoot did take some time: we wanted the photographs to be technically accurate from a rugby point of view, in addition to underpinning the important messages we want to spread on behalf of OURFC Woman and Beat.'

MTO reported it earlier but I didn't believe...lol.. but since TMZ is also reporting it...it could be true! .

Kylie Jenner and Tyga have broken up, and it was sudden and nasty ... TMZ has learned. Sources connected with the couple tell us they split Thursday, just after Kylie returned from Australia. One source says, "It's something Tyga did," but the source would not be specific. Sources connected with Tyga say Kylie's the one who pulled the plug and it had something to do with "pressure from the Kardashians." Kendall was out Thursday night at dinner and we're told she was upset and had harsh words about Tyga.

New music from MMM artist, Tekno titled Wash, produced by DJ Coublon and Guitar by Fioke. Listen to Wash onmy.notjustok.com/tekno-wash

Steve Jobs has an intimidating character and practically all his employees or subordinates knew that. Whats more is that he always carried that “superior” charisma around him, making people cower at his presence.

A question was asked on Quora about how it was to deliver a presentation to him, here are the best answers from people who once worked with him.
1. “Are you smart? Do you know what you are talking about? Are you going to waste my time?”

I worked at Apple, and had to present to Steve every now and then.

The first time we met, he walked into the room, looked around, realized that I was new, walked up to me and asked (all in one breath), “Are you smart? Do you know what you are talking about? Are you going to waste my time?”

Instead of responding right away, I decided to consider what if anything I was going to say. But since I did not respond right away, Steve said, “Good, let’s get started.” I wonder how that meeting would have gone if I had tried to say something instead…

I presented new technology to him a number of times. Sometimes it was my ideas, and sometimes it was the work my team did (My team always did exceptional work. The people that reported to me were outstanding, and it was an honor to manage them.).

We were in a meeting one time, and Steve commented on how much he hated the ‘wart’ that was the external iSight camera. I said, “I can make it internal.” Steve asked how long it would take to have a prototype ready. My team worked on it (with many other teams both software and hardware), and we developed a prototype. We had the demo set up and ready to go for the next day. The only ‘glitch’ we had not anticipated was one of the software guys upgraded the OS on the machine AFTER we had run through the demo and felt it was ready. So the next day when we showed it to Steve, there was a color shift in the video we had not seen the day before. He asked why, and the software engineer spoke up and said he had updated the OS and it probably changed the gamma settings. Steve I think was more amused, and just said, “Get things right, and show it to me again.”

Another time, I was presenting a feature for Motion I came up with. Real-time, green-screen, high-definition chroma-keying in software. Steve asked me in the presentation if another company could come up with this feature. I said, “Well, since I thought of it, I imagine someone else could come up with the idea, but it is rather unlikely that they could solve it the same way I did.” (By the way, the ‘peanut gallery’ of VPs and Directors standing behind Steve tried to tell me how to answer Steve’s question. The problem was, half of them were nodding yes, and the other half were shaking their heads no.) Steve decided that since it was hard to duplicate, that instead of going for a patent on it, we were going to keep it a trade secret. And as far as I know, no one has been able to duplicate the real-time, green-screen, high-definition chroma-keying feature in software… (the key being real-time).

Over the years, I (and members of my team) did dozens of presentations for Steve. My team was responsible for products like the Mac Mini, Apple TV, and creating many product prototypes…

Steve was wicked smart. I was always amazed at how sharp he was and how quickly he could focus on what was important. I don’t know ANYONE that even comes close to how good he was at being able to do that. – Brett Bilbrey
2. Scary, but also kind of cool.

Scary, but also kind of cool. I was an outsider pitching a product (there were 3 of us) and he just savaged his own team in front of me. At one point in the meeting he asked me what my name was and then when I told him, he said “Paul Weinstein is the only guy here who knows what the fuck he is talking about” and then left. He had a very specific detail in mind he wanted clarified and the rest he couldn’t have cared less about.

Didn’t see him for years after that and then a few months before he died, I ran into him having lunch at Evvia in Palo Alto and he stopped and said hello and asked what I was up to….

In Palo Alto that’s kind of like Bono or Bill Clinton stopping by your table to say hello! – Paul Weinstein
3. Interesting, frustrating, cool.

Despite all the stories of Steve berating people, our meeting was very polite and positive. He had come to see a new version of some software we were working on at Apple (he had been really happy with the previous version), and we were showing him early mockups. He liked parts of it and he also had a lot of ideas for ways to change it.

Some of those ideas were frustrating, because they put the aesthetics of the UI ahead of the actual usability, which is an annoyance I find today with the iPhone and its growing number of cryptic gestures that you have to know about (like swiping in from the top or bottom, double-tapping — but not double-clicking! — the TouchID button to slide the screen down on the big phones, etc).

Although I didn’t agree with some of the stuff he wanted to do, you could definitely tell that this was a really smart and passionate guy, really engaged with the discussion.

But the thing that has always stood out clearly in my memory of that meeting was the absolute clarity and certainty he had in his mind about what the customer cared about. And he said it right up front. We talked about some element or feature, and he just said, “people don’t care about that”, and then talked about what they did care about.

The details are long gone for me at this point (I think this meeting was in 1998) but that total clarity with which he saw the market has stuck with me. I think a lot of the success that Steve brought to Apple came from that perception of what was important to people, and by extension, what they would love to buy from Apple. – Mike Kobb
4. “I’m smarter than you, I’m better than you and we both know it.”

This was 1992. I was selling an ODBMS (object database) to them as a component of the NeXT OS. My VP of Sales was in complete awe of him, I was not. I knew he’d been fired at Apple, that Pixar was flailing and I thought NeXT was a pipe dream and there was no way in h** that the education market would pay 7x for a cool computer. I considered him a charismatic but idealistic founder who lacked good business sense (Keep in mind what he did at Apple was after 20 years of failing up but I digress) But he had that presence that said, “I’m smarter than you, I’m better than you and we both know it.” I tried to ignore it but it was intimidating. Which was his goal. He wouldn’t be in the room if his VP of Engineering hadn’t made the recommendation. I knew that. He leaned back and listened, asked a few questions and then got to it–he wanted it for nothing. Then the negotiations began. They went on for a month. I could go on about the ins and outs of it but the most interesting moment was once when he leaned into me and said, “you just don’t get it, do you?” and I replied, “I do. We’re negotiating.” After that, funnily enough, he focused on grinding down the VP — Kat Makinney
5. “…gave me his undivided attention , actually patted me on the back and complimented my work”

In the mid 80s when he was “between jobs,” Steve Jobs was hired as a consultant by a VC for an all-day meeting to evaluate the AI development tool technology of the now defunct startup company I worked for, as the company was seeking yet another round of VC financing.

I had just prototyped a new UI for the AI dev tool and, impromptu mind you, Jobs was brought right into my office to watch over my shoulder as I demonstrated my new design. I was around 20 years old at the time and actually knew little about UI design, so it t was a bit nerve-wracking, but Jobs soon put me at ease with his calm but intense manner, gave me his undivided attention , actually patted me on the back and complimented my work, and made some suggestions that I ended up incorporating into the product. I recall him asking “Why do you need save? Just always save automatically.” That was a radical idea at the time, but very familiar today.

Jobs may have been at his most mellow at that time, having just been fired from Apple, so it was good timing for me. – Arthur Applegate

People will like to tell you that you cannot defeat the Dragon.

Some will even tell you dragons don’t exist. But look at this little baby below fighting a Dragon, he is scared but yet he fights, he keeps punching and punching … he even cries.

But eventually he pulls off a ridiculous back flip and tears the Dragon’s heart stuffing out.

So don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t kick a dragons ass … because this baby did it. And if he can do it, then you can do it! Go kick a Dragon’s ass today!

WARNING: This message does not cover Dragons that breathe fire!

I was searching for an indept analysis on the ministerial appointments this actually does not reflect my full stance on the issue but ita close enough to how I feel

And let’s not forget the list came out God knows how many months late!

Article Begins…
On Wednesday the 11th of November, President Buhari inaugurated his new cabinet. He also whittled down the total number of ministries to 24 from 36, by combining and eliminating supposedly redundant ministries and appointing a fair number of nominees to junior positions. Some of President Buhari’s moves make a lot of sense considering the need to cut down waste and excess, but some of the appointments have left political and economic observers baffled. Here’s the run down of Buhari’s appointments – the good, the blunders, and the ugly.

Kemi Adeosun as Minister of Finance: Blunder

With a challenged economy, significant dip in revenues, the increased risk of inflation running riot, the Naira under significant pressure, foreign financial organizations exiting our bond markets, a liquidity squeeze and the need to churn out policies that will impact the economy positively, it appears she does not have the clout or the qualifications to run that ministry. Adeosun lacks the pedigree of Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala and the gravitas of Charles Soludo. Her ability to hold her own with international rating agencies and financial organizations is untested. For someone who ran her Ogun State economy to a point where the State needed a bail out to pay salaries, appointing her to run a national economy without a supporting Minister of State is a decision that defies logic. You cannot have a struggling CBN Governor and also have a struggling Minister for Finance. This is a first class blunder.

Babatunde Raji Fashola as Minister of Power Works and Housing: Ugly

I do not envy Babatunde Raji Fashola. I honestly don’t think Buhari did him any favors by assigning three very significant ministries to him. Being the Minister for Works alone is a tasking assignment but when you have Power and Housing added, then tasking becomes daunting. Fashola is being set up for failure. That is the entire infrastructure framework of the country resting on the shoulders of one man! The fact that he will be supported by a Minister of State for Power does little to relieve the enormous burden of responsibilities he now has. With 192,300km of Federal Roads to be covered, national power supply hovering around 4,000MW and a housing deficit of 17m, this could get ugly.

Kayode Fayemi, Minister of Solid Minerals: Blunder

The worst thing you can do to anyone with great potential is to underutilize their abilities or put them in a position where their latent capacities may never be called upon. That’s exactly what may happen to Kayode Fayemi as the Minister for Solid Minerals. He should be the Minister of Foreign Affairs given his experience or even the Minister for the Interior supervising the Police and other para-military agencies given the fact that he has a PhD in War Studies. A blunder.

Adamu Adamu, Minister of Education, Ugly

I don’t know whether or not to weep over the appointment of Adamu Adamu as the Minister of Education. Making a journalist the supervising minister to resuscitate a moribund educational sector like ours is bad enough, but making a Professor of Education and a former Vice-Chancellor of a Nigerian University, Anthony Anwukah a junior minister reporting to Adamu Adamu truly shows the value our leaders place on education. The appointment should have been the other way round. Even Nyesom Wike was made a junior Minister of Education to Professor Rukayat under former President Jonathan. This is ugly

Aisha Alhassan, Minister of Women Affairs: Good

Aisha Alhassan came into national reckoning after losing the Taraba Governorship election narrowly. If she had won, she would have been the first elected female Governor in Nigeria. Traditionally, the ministry has been supervised by women and President Buhari would certainly not have departed from the norm, especially as he has been accused of not giving enough consideration to women in his cabinet. Aisha Mohammed should have been the first pick given her previous work on the Millenium Development Goals but Aisha Alhassan should do just fine also. A good fit.

Wondering how Rotimi Amaechi was rated … then read the full article written by Bayo Adeyinka for Venture Africa here.

Editor’s note: Radio Biafra is a very popular among the Igbo London-based broadcasting station spreading the ideas of the region independence under the guidance of Nnamdi Kanu, its mastermind. Though the concept of an independent Republic of Biafra is very close to the south easterners, the way Kanu presents it, calling Nigeria a “Zoo”, is disputable. Arinze Esomnofu, , expresses doubts it is ever possible to ignite the people to struggle for independence from far away, and challenges Nnamdi Kanu to stop spreding hate messages about his motherland, leave London for Nigeria and be beside his people, if he truely believes in what he advocates.
I was born years after the Biafran war, and so was Nnamdi Kanu, the director of Radio Biafra and a self-proclaimed leader of the IPOB (the Indigenous People of Biafra). For both of us the Biafran war came as a number of pictured stories we heard first hand from historians and the elders witnessing the war.
The fact that one did not see the Biafran war with their own eyes can never make a true Igbo son or daughter think less of it, never! Images of the war start running through my mind whenever I give in to the thoughts of it, and, believe me, those images are not rossy. My grandfather would say that only those who never saw war talked about it as a child’s play. Till date you are sure to find the graves of“Nwafors” ( “Sons of the Soil”) that lost their lives during the Biafran war in my community. As long as these graves are recognised and respected by the new generations, we will all have a strong feeling of what our people went through, and it is a feeling no one will wish his people to go through again.
He who started it all
Nnamdi Kanu presently resides in London carrying out his callous agitations for Biafra from there. In essence, I understand the nature of Kanu’s actions to a certain extent, but the thing is that he is pushing his agitations in a very wrong way.
What makes Nnamdi Kanu totally throw caution to the winds and make really treasonable statements from the comfortable London abode? He claims that he is not Nigerian, but takes a green international passport whenever he is leaving the shores of Britain constantly referring to a country, which passport he uses to access the world, as a “Zoo”. Is that not a hypocrisy?
The South Eastern character
Not long ago I came across an article titled“Buhari – the Dullard of Daura have popularized Radio Biafra and Nnamdi Kanu” by Azuka Onwuka, and, upon going through it, asked myself what the mission of Nnamdi Kanu actually was. Earlier when the agitations for the emancipation of Biafra were mentioned, one’s mind went to the Movement for the Actualization of the Sovereign State of Biafra (MASSOB) led by Chief Uwazurike. However, now they are closely linked to Nnamdi Kanu-led IPOB. Kanu has gained popularity among the people, but is it all that he craves for? Is popularity all that Biafrans need to move to their “Promised Land”? The answer is obviously no.
The south easterners always do find ways to speak with one voice on the issues that affect the region directly. That was why when it started as rumours and was later confirmed to be true that some Boko Haram suspects were to be transferred to the region, there were massive protests. Today the decision has been reversed. The same “oneness” I expected from my people when the Radio Biafra broadcasting was jammed, but there were no protests or whatsoever.
Biafra, the last resort
I have always been saying that Biafra came as a solace, the last source of survival from the genocide fell on my people both in Lagos and in the north of Nigeria then. The moment our leaders could not agree on the Aburi Accord, the creation of an independent state was inevitable.
In every clamour for an independent and sovereign Biafra either through the MASSOB or through the IPOB, how can support and unshakable trust of the Igbo be got? A group of people must see and feel that they are not welcomed in a particular entity, and, in my opinion, it is yet to happen. We should not forget that every time someone gets appointed in the Buhari government, there are hundreds of tribes neglected in that appointment. It is not only the Igbo that have been shortchanged, unless we are saying the other tribes are less important. As a proponent of “one Nigeria”, I would not touch upon such topics.
The Constitution of Nigeria does not stipulate following the federal character in making appointments, unless they are ministerial. Thus, I would like to stress the fact that President Buhari have not acted unconstitutionally, and as he has always claimed, the appointments were made according to the principles of meritocracy.
A faraway “partizan” of an independent Biafra
Coming back to the IPOB and Kanu’s clamour for an independent Biafra, there is a question: how can such struggle be won off the Nigerian shores, or is Kanu scared of what he is up against? Does he need me to tell him how vital will addressing the Igbo traders personally in the famous Onitsha Market or Aba Market be to “his” struggle? Was Kanu told that was how Mandela fought against apartheid in South Africa, or Ojukwu led the Biafran war from Europe? However, he chooses the safest option of addressing the people, who do not even know how he looks like, from a studio in a faraway Europe. No wonder, Nigerians do not support Kanu’s struggle based upon their inactivity.
Ending this piece, I would like to state categorically that I have nothing personal against Nnamdi Kanu. I admire his courage and love for our people, but I fault his method of spreading hate messages, his usage of foul language against Nigeria and, above all, staying in London instead of being with his people here in Nigeria.
Kanu could have become an unforgotten hero in the Igbo history. His name would have been written in the sands of time, had he waited for a balance in “time and chance”, but he had not. Believe me, what we need right now is not secession, but provement that we the Igbo are relevant in Nigeria. We can achieve this only with the help of the right political calculations and the backing of Chukwu Okike Abiama.
These terrorists attacks are becoming unbearable by the minute

3 people including two Malians are said to have been killed in the hostage taking at Radisson Blu in Bamako, Mali this morning. Armed men stormed the hotel taking 170 people hostage. 80 of the hostages have so far been freed. Those freed include three Turkish Airlines staff, 12 Air France staff and Guinean singer Sekouba Bambino. More photos after the cut...

Good morning! Here are 10 things you need to know this morning:

1. In an apparent effort to track down everybody linked to Sambo Dasuki as well as the alleged arms deal, operatives of the Department of State Security, DSS, Thursday stormed the Abuja home of former Governor of Sokoto State, Attahiru Bafarawa. Report says even though they were informed that the governor was not around, they broke into the house and searched it.

2. Report says two suspected members of the Boko Haram militants who disguised as members of the Jama’atu Izalatil Bid’a Wa’iqamitis Sunna (JIBWIS) First Aid Group, ‎have been arrested and handed over to the police. The National Director of JIBWIS First Aid Group, Malam Mustapha Imam Sitti, disclosed in Zaria that the arrest followed the advice that all religious groups should be on the watch out.

3. The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, has commenced the interrogation of the immediate past Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Culture, Tourism and National Orientation, Nkechi Ejele. The Perm Sec is being questioned over her role in the alleged looting of funds meant for the Subsidy Re-investment and Empowerment Programme, SURE-P, released to the Ministry in 2013 and 2014.

4. The National Economic Council (NEC), on Thursday directed the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), and Ministry of Finance to investigate revenues earned in foreign currencies but remitted in naira by some ministries, agencies and departments.
This decision was reached at the end of the NEC meeting presided over by Vice President, Yemi Osinbajo, at the council chambers of the State House, Abuja.

5. Chief of Army Staff, Lt. General Tukur Buratai has denied reports that over hundred soldiers fighting Boko Haram insurgents in the northeast were missing after a confrontation with Boko Haram insurgents. He said the soldiers have since returned from their mission and are have now joined their battalions.

6. Governors of the 36 states, after a crucial meeting held at Old Banquet Hall of the Presidential Vill, Abuja have resolved that they will not continue to pay the N18,000 minimum wage that was signed into law by former President, Goodluck Jonathan, saying the poor state of the economy due to dwindling oil prices was responsible for their decision.

7. A group identified as The Igbo Conscience, has said that some former political office holders under Jonathan’s government were behind the ongoing Biafran protest. The group disclosed this through its leader, Mr Monday Ubani on Wednesday.

8. Kinsmen of former President, Goodluck Jonathan in Ogbia Local Govt. have told the State Governor, Saraike Dickson that unless the abandoned 14-kilometres Opolo-Ebele Road is rehabilitated and water in the area becomes functional, they cannot guarantee that they will vote for him in the coming election.

9. The Lagos State Police command has confirmed the sack of a female Police officer, Obotie Adesuwa, who allegedly sold a week-old baby boy brought to her station and may equally be arraigned in court today ( Friday)

10. Former Super Eagles coach, Clemens Westerhof, has opined that Nigeria may not qualify for the 2018 World Cup, if Sunday Oliseh is still in charge of the team, as there is no sign that the team will improve under him.

Earning money is sweet. In fact, only few things could be more gladdening than receiving one's due paycheck at the end of each month or completed project.

However, it's sad to see the money melting down with only little to show for it. Yet, that is what happens to many Nigerians - they really cannot justify their huge spending.

Here are 5 ways to cut costs and save money in Nigeria:

1. Comparing prices

While Nigerians have the innate tendency to buy the first product or service they stumble on, giving in to this could have detrimental effects on one's finances. Taking time to compare prices from similar providers is a smart way to save money, as it makes one aware of cheaper options.

2. Targeting promos and discount offers

Most Nigerian businesses, especially stores and e-commerce platforms run promos at certain times of the year, such as Christmas, Easter, Black Friday, New Year, etc. One can save a lot of money by targeting these promos because products are sold for far cheaper than their regular prices.

3. Buying high quality stuff

Though high quality products might be expensive when compared with substandard alternatives, they save a lot of money in the long-term. While a good quality product can continue to work perfectly for several years, a substandard product can start incurring additional costs of repair and maintenance after a few months. And this can be far more expensive in the long term.

4. Doing more at home

Another smart way to save money is to start handling certain tasks at home rather than paying for them. For example, eating food cooked at home is always far cheaper than eating out. Similarly, rather than pay weekly for laundry, buying a laundry machine and doing one's laundry at home is a smarter, cheaper idea.

5. Think twice

Nigerians tend to buy things on impulse. And this habit ruins finances quickly. So, thinking twice before buying any advertised product or service can help save a lot of money. Most people realize that what they bought was unnecessary only after parting with their money. To avoid such buyer regrets, it is necessary to check whether a product or service is actually needed before purchasing it.

By implementing these tips, Nigerians will be able to live better on their salaries and save more.
The lady said Some of you dumb Africans  (very sure Nigerians she referring to)think that changing you profile to that of the flag of France will give you a free Visa to enter my Country, you lie! !
Omo, mehn this is a big blow on those who used their flag, imagine the arrant nonsense she spilled This one is deep finally 

The immediate past National Security Adviser, Sambo Dasuki, has denied ever receiving any formal or informal invitation to appear before an Investigative Panel on the Procurement of hardware and munitions in the armed forces.

Mr. Dasuki, a retired colonel, was responding to a statement that President Muhammadu Buhari had ordered his arrest and those of others implicated in arms deal, was quoted by PRNigeria as saying, “I have never been invited formally or informally to appear before the panel.

“I am therefore not only surprised but embarrassed by the seeming indictment by the panel purportedly operating from the Office of the National Security Adviser that never contacted me.

“For the record I am proud to serve my nation with the best of intention and ensuring the recovery of more than 22 local government councils from Boko Haram terrorists.

“Because of the pride of how we tackled terrorism and defeated Boko Haram terrorists through our gallant troops and partners in the twilight of the previous administration, I have insisted on open and public trial of my stewardship rather than secret trial in the court as being canvassed by my prosecutors.”

“I wish Nigerians will go back and reflect on what we did with even little or no supports from some countries. We performed miracles before the emergence of this administration. I even thought the committee was to investigate procurement from 2007 to 2015. Yet only my name is always being mentioned even when some of the issues were before I came into government.

“I left Nigerians to judge.”

President Muhammadu Buhari had on Tuesday received the interim report of the investigative committee on arms procurement with an order for the arrest of all indicted persons in the arms scam.

According to a statement by the president’s Special Adviser on Media and Publicity, Femi Adesina, the committee, which was inaugurated on Aug. 31, was yet to complete its work. But its interim report unearthed several illicit and fraudulent financial transactions.

“As part of the findings, the committee has analysed interventions from some organisations that provided funds to the Office of the National Security Adviser, Defence Headquarters, Army Headquarters, Naval Headquarters and Nigerian Air Force Headquarters, both in local and foreign currencies,’’ it said.

It stated that so far the total extra budgetary interventions collated by the committee was N643.8 billion while the foreign currency component was $2.2 billion.

The report indicated that the amounts excluded grants from the state governments and funds collected by the Directorate of State Services and the Police.

The statement said the committee observed that in spite of this huge financial intervention, very little was expended to support defence procurement.

“The committee also observed that of 513 contracts awarded at 8,356,525,184.32 dollars; N2,189,265,724,404.55 and 54,000.00 euros; fifty Three were failed contracts amounting to 2,378,939,066.27 dollars and N13,729,342,329.87 respectively.’’

According to the statement, the committee also noted that the amount of foreign currency spent on failed contracts was more than double the one billion dollars loan that the National Assembly approved for borrowing to fight the insurgency in the North East.

It stated that the committee also discovered that payments to the tune of N3.850 billion were made to a single company by the former NSA without documented evidence of contractual agreements or fulfillment of tax obligations to the Federal Government.

“Further findings revealed that between March 2012 and March 2015, the erstwhile NSA, Lt. Col. Sambo Dasuki (rtd) awarded fictitious and phantom contracts to the tune of N2,219,188,609.50; 1,671,742,613.58 dollars and 9,905,477.00 euros.

“The contracts, which were said to be for the purchase of four Alpha Jets, 12 helicopters, bombs and ammunition were not executed and the equipment were never supplied to the Nigerian Air Force, neither are they in its inventory.

“Even more disturbing was the discovery that out of these figures, two companies, were awarded contracts to the tune of N350,000,000.00; 1,661,670,469.71 dollars and 9,905,477.00 euros alone.

“This was without prejudice to the consistent non-performance of the companies in the previous contracts awarded.

“Additionally, it was discovered that the former NSA directed the Central Bank of Nigeria to transfer the sum of 132,050,486.97 dollars and 9,905,473.55 euros to the accounts of Societe D’equipmente Internationaux in West Africa, United Kingdom and United States of America for un-ascertained purposes, without any contract documents to explain the transactions,’’ the statement said.

The statement noted that the findings made so far “are extremely worrying” considering that the interventions were granted within the same period that the nation’s troops fighting the insurgency in the North East were in desperate need of platforms, military equipment and ammunition.

“Had the funds siphoned to these non-performing companies been properly used for the purpose they were meant for, thousands of needless Nigerian deaths would have been avoided.

“Furthermore, the ridicule Nigeria has faced in the international community would have been avoided,” the statement said.

The committee noted with disappointment that those entrusted with the security of this great nation were busy using proxies to siphon the national treasury, while innocent lives were being wasted daily.

“In the light of these findings, President Muhammadu Buhari has directed the relevant organisations to arrest and bring to book, all individuals who have been found complicit in these illegal and fraudulent acts,’’ the statement said.

The immediate past National Security Adviser, Sambo Dasuki, has denied ever receiving any formal or informal invitation to appear before an Investigative Panel on the Procurement of hardware and munitions in the armed forces.

Mr. Dasuki, a retired colonel, was responding to a statement that President Muhammadu Buhari had ordered his arrest and those of others implicated in arms deal, was quoted by PRNigeria as saying, “I have never been invited formally or informally to appear before the panel.

“I am therefore not only surprised but embarrassed by the seeming indictment by the panel purportedly operating from the Office of the National Security Adviser that never contacted me.

“For the record I am proud to serve my nation with the best of intention and ensuring the recovery of more than 22 local government councils from Boko Haram terrorists.

“Because of the pride of how we tackled terrorism and defeated Boko Haram terrorists through our gallant troops and partners in the twilight of the previous administration, I have insisted on open and public trial of my stewardship rather than secret trial in the court as being canvassed by my prosecutors.”

“I wish Nigerians will go back and reflect on what we did with even little or no supports from some countries. We performed miracles before the emergence of this administration. I even thought the committee was to investigate procurement from 2007 to 2015. Yet only my name is always being mentioned even when some of the issues were before I came into government.

“I left Nigerians to judge.”

President Muhammadu Buhari had on Tuesday received the interim report of the investigative committee on arms procurement with an order for the arrest of all indicted persons in the arms scam.

According to a statement by the president’s Special Adviser on Media and Publicity, Femi Adesina, the committee, which was inaugurated on Aug. 31, was yet to complete its work. But its interim report unearthed several illicit and fraudulent financial transactions.

“As part of the findings, the committee has analysed interventions from some organisations that provided funds to the Office of the National Security Adviser, Defence Headquarters, Army Headquarters, Naval Headquarters and Nigerian Air Force Headquarters, both in local and foreign currencies,’’ it said.

It stated that so far the total extra budgetary interventions collated by the committee was N643.8 billion while the foreign currency component was $2.2 billion.

The report indicated that the amounts excluded grants from the state governments and funds collected by the Directorate of State Services and the Police.

The statement said the committee observed that in spite of this huge financial intervention, very little was expended to support defence procurement.

“The committee also observed that of 513 contracts awarded at 8,356,525,184.32 dollars; N2,189,265,724,404.55 and 54,000.00 euros; fifty Three were failed contracts amounting to 2,378,939,066.27 dollars and N13,729,342,329.87 respectively.’’

According to the statement, the committee also noted that the amount of foreign currency spent on failed contracts was more than double the one billion dollars loan that the National Assembly approved for borrowing to fight the insurgency in the North East.

It stated that the committee also discovered that payments to the tune of N3.850 billion were made to a single company by the former NSA without documented evidence of contractual agreements or fulfillment of tax obligations to the Federal Government.

“Further findings revealed that between March 2012 and March 2015, the erstwhile NSA, Lt. Col. Sambo Dasuki (rtd) awarded fictitious and phantom contracts to the tune of N2,219,188,609.50; 1,671,742,613.58 dollars and 9,905,477.00 euros.

“The contracts, which were said to be for the purchase of four Alpha Jets, 12 helicopters, bombs and ammunition were not executed and the equipment were never supplied to the Nigerian Air Force, neither are they in its inventory.

“Even more disturbing was the discovery that out of these figures, two companies, were awarded contracts to the tune of N350,000,000.00; 1,661,670,469.71 dollars and 9,905,477.00 euros alone.

“This was without prejudice to the consistent non-performance of the companies in the previous contracts awarded.

“Additionally, it was discovered that the former NSA directed the Central Bank of Nigeria to transfer the sum of 132,050,486.97 dollars and 9,905,473.55 euros to the accounts of Societe D’equipmente Internationaux in West Africa, United Kingdom and United States of America for un-ascertained purposes, without any contract documents to explain the transactions,’’ the statement said.

The statement noted that the findings made so far “are extremely worrying” considering that the interventions were granted within the same period that the nation’s troops fighting the insurgency in the North East were in desperate need of platforms, military equipment and ammunition.

“Had the funds siphoned to these non-performing companies been properly used for the purpose they were meant for, thousands of needless Nigerian deaths would have been avoided.

“Furthermore, the ridicule Nigeria has faced in the international community would have been avoided,” the statement said.

The committee noted with disappointment that those entrusted with the security of this great nation were busy using proxies to siphon the national treasury, while innocent lives were being wasted daily.

“In the light of these findings, President Muhammadu Buhari has directed the relevant organisations to arrest and bring to book, all individuals who have been found complicit in these illegal and fraudulent acts,’’ the statement said.

Dangote Flour Plc, has changed its name to Tiger Branded Consumer Goods Plc. The Company Secretaryof the Dangote Flour, Aisha Ladi Isa, in a notification to the Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE) said, the new name is to better reflect the new ownership of the company as the change in the substantial ownership and shareholding of the company has been approved by the shareholders.

According to her, change of name is in line with the special resolution passed at its annual general meeting (AGM), held in July 2015. Tiger Brands Limited, which 63 per cent equity in the company in 2012 recently advised shareholders that it had reached a decision not to provide any further financial support with respect to its investment in Tiger Branded Consumer Goods Plc.
It said it was it was currently exploring various alternatives with regard to its investment in Tiger Branded Consumer Goods Plc.
The withdrawal of funding by Tiger Brands, made to resign as chairman of flour milling firm. Dangote resigned alongside, Dangote resigned alongside Olakunle Alake, AsueIghodalo and Arnold Ekpe as directors.
Based on these developments, the company advisedshareholders to exercise caution when dealing in the company’s securities until a further announcement is released.
Tiger Brands acquired a 63.35 per cent shareholding interest in Dangote Flour Mills in Nigeria in 2012 for approximately R1.5 billion.
Chief Executive Officer of Tiger Brands, Peter Matlare, had said: “We are especially pleased with the successful conclusion of this transaction. We believe it will present growth opportunities for both organisations and be mutually beneficial. Dangote Flour Mills will add significant scale to Tiger Brands’ existing Nigerian businesses.”
Meanwhile, the bearish sentiment at the stock market continued with the NSE All-Share Index declining by 0.6per cent to close lower at 28,351.28. Similarly, marketcapitalisation shed N62.4 billion to close at N9.7 trillion.
The negative performance was broadly driven by losses in FBN Holdings Plc (-7.5 p cent), Guinness Nigeria Plc(-5.0 per cent) and Nigerian Breweries Plc (-2.4 per cent).
All sectors closed negative led by the Consumer Goods Index, which dipped by 1.3 per cen. The Oil & Gas and the Insurance Indices fell by 0.9 per cent and 0.5 per cent respectively. The Banking and Industrial Goods Indices shed 0.20 per cent and 0.01 per cent order.


There are not many Nigerians who own their own houses but for those who do, they only end up getting richer because real estate is one sure thing in Nigeria that hardly ever loses value excepts it gets to over 50 years or more depending on how good the structure is.

For some Nigerians, the reasons why they don't have their own house already is not because they are poor or can't afford it. In fact, I know quite a number of them who are already millionaires or multimillionaires but still prefer to pay house rent for the time being.

Some Nigerians are already rich enough to have their own houses but they prefer hiding their riches or just prefer a simpler lifestyle rather than becoming their own landlord. Well, the truth is that it's better to have your own house than holding on to cash since the latter normally loses value in Nigeria and has been doing so for the past 40 years.

If you are already a millionaire or earn millions on a monthly or yearly basis, your money is not really insured until you at least own your own real estate.

Some might say it's probably better to use their millions to buy stocks/shares or do some small business but the truth is that those kinds of businesses are too risky but having a house of your own when you can afford it helps to consolidate your wealth.

So, if you have enough money to build or buy a house of your own, it's best to just do it as it increases your chances of remaining rich for the long term. There are many people that made millions during their youthful age but ended up wasting it and didn't even have anything to fall back on by the time they are retired.

It's one thing to make lots of money in Nigeria but another thing to actually keep hold of that money for the long term. Investing in a solid asset like real estate is one way smart Nigerians keep remaining rich even when they are no longer making a lot of active income.
Former football player David Beckham has been named Sexiest man alive by People magazine. He received the announcement on Tuesday while he was on the Jimmy Kimmel Live show. He told People magazine that he was honoured and felt pleased to accept it.

The Group Anonymous has begun publishing the names and addresses of alleged ISIS recruiters after they declared war against the Islamic State in the wake of the Paris attacks, vowing to silence extremist propaganda and expose undercover operatives.

Now it has leaked details of at least five men it claims are recruiters for the terror group, as well as taking down 5,500 Twitter accounts.

Mirror Online reports that they have seen the names, addresses and phone numbers of men living in countries including Afghanistan, Tunisia and Somalia.
Anonymous activists also claimed to have identified a "high-ranking" recruiter living in Europe, but have not yet published an address.

We have contacted some of the men who have been named, but they have not replied and we have been unable to verify if the allegations against them are true.

Some Anonymous spokesmen claimed to have closed down a total of 5,500 ISIS supporters' Twitter accounts, whilst others put the figure at 900.
Hitting these accounts is seen as a way of shutting down the ISIS recruitment and propaganda machine.
A group of hackers called GhostSec is also working feverishly to identify the Paris attackers.

Anonymous is now compiling a massive list of Twitter accounts and web pages ahead of a large cyber-assault due to take place later this evening.

It is expected to use a digital weapon called a "DDoS" to shut down websites.

For my brothers playing who them pity pass, Founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg took to his Facebook wall to announce that they have activated the safety check on their site following the bomb blast in Yola, Adamawa state yesterday.

Facebook came under fire for a perceived Western bias when it activated Safety Check after the Paris attacks, with critics noting that terrorist attacks in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia hadn't previously warranted its deployment. The safety check enables Facebook users announce that they are still alive after a mishap in any troubled zone.What he wrote after the cut...

Biggie is the greatest rapper of all time? That's according to a new list by Billboard magazine. Who agrees with the list? Snoop didn't. He shared this and wrote "This is so disrespectful. !! Whoever did this list need a swift kick in the Ass. No. Tupac. Come on cuz. Jus my opinion"

This is not supposed to be a guide to failing Managers like Mourinho. It is not even a piece of advice; it’s merely some rant by me, a Barcelona fan, who derives pleasure from seeing Chelsea and Mourinho play badly. For the Chelsea fans who have the privilege (or misfortune) of reading reading this piece; this is my opinion, not Jobberman’s.

With that said, let’s get down to it, shall we?

Career Lesson One

Chelsea FC have only won ONE Champions league trophy and I remember vividly that after that final, the only set of football fans who ‘had the right’ to speak at viewing centres were Chelsea fans. The rest of us dared not, even though at the time fans of FC Barcelona, Manchester United, FC Bayern, R.Madrid, Juventus and a few others had won (or celebrated winning) that same trophy multiple times. But Chelsea got it once and all hell was let loose; they just wouldn’t let us rest anymore.

Again, Mourinho is famous for repeatedly insisting that Arsene Wenger is a ‘specialist in failure’. The guy sees every pre and post match press conference as an opportunity to rant, complain and insult the person of Arsene; that’s more like his favorite pastime. Well, I bring good news; the dude called Mourinho now wins just one match in every month. Now, who’s the specialist in failure? I can’t laugh abeg.

Enjoy your success, but don’t rub it in the faces of other people.

Career Lesson Two

Chelsea sacked the only coach to have ever gotten them the Champions league trophy (what Mourinho would never be able to do for them) just a season after. The guy was dismissed like he never did anything good for them — the same idiotic way some bosses dismiss their secretaries/typists after a smalltypo.

Fast-forward to 2015, Mourinho in his characteristic autocratic manner‘disciplined and dismissed’ the pretty, affable and reliable team physio, Eva Carneiro over some flimsy and almost irrelevant on-field situation. By the way, the Physio was clearly doing her job by attending to the injured Chelsea player– I think it was Hazard…or err Fabregas; can’t really remember, I hardly watch Chelsea matches — they bore me.

Need I remind everyone that that was the beginning of the slump for Chelsea and Mourinho. Apparently, the lady wasn’t just a Physio, she was very integral to the team, she had some influence and even though her impact might not have been very visible on the surface, they only had to let her go to realize their folly. There are people like that in every team. I like to believe that that event affected the team morale and see where they are on the table today — too low for me to even see.

Don’t Sack Your Eva Carneiro.

Career Lesson Three

Mourinho has a terrible attitude: he blames everyone but himself when things go awry. Many examples come to mind, but one is fresh. When Chelsea lost to Southampton earlier this season in the premiership, Mourinho cleverly brought in Matic, a defensive midfielder, when he needed to score. Now Mourinho perhaps had seen that that match was a lost cause and wanted to take the media attention away from him. Guess what the ‘special one’ did: bababrought in Matic, waited for Chelsea to concede an inevitable goal and almost immediately removed Matic again.

Now the uninitiated in the mind-games of Mourinho would not easily understand that move, but I will enlighten you. By removing Matic after Chelsea conceded that goal, Mourinho cleverly diverted media attention away from himself, and summarily made the Matic the scape-goat by simply making it appear like Matic was responsible for that goal and he had to be removed. In the end, most people blamed Matic, not Mourinho for the loss.

Prepare for downtime. Things will not always go right and when they eventually go wrong, don’t
push the blame to others, take responsibility and man up.

Career Lesson Four

Mourinho has a consciousness of self that is unrivaled. The man exhibits the highest form of self-love (or selfishness). When he first came to Chelsea after winning the Champions league with Porto, the guy ceremoniously announced to the English media that he was ‘the special one‘. He had a brilliant spell thereafter. Correct me if I’m wrong, I think he later announced himself as ‘the only one‘ (can’t remember if that was in England, Italy, or Spain).

Frankly, Mourinho is a great coach and winner. But the guy doesn’t just praise his teams as much as one would expect especially as his success is largely tied to the efforts of his players. Mourinho however takes more of the accolades for himself. Mourinho competes with his star players for glory and attention.

It’s okay to give yourself a pat on the back for a job well done, but it’s better when you do
more of same to your team. You might be special, but you equally need a great team to succeed.

Pheww…that’s all folks!