There are lots of trivial facts about this legendary masterpiece, but here are the 26 shoppy facts about the Mall Of America that caught my curiousity
Starting off with its size:
1. 258 Statues of Liberty could lie inside the Mall
2. 32 Boeing 747s could fit inside the Mall
3. 7 Yankee Stadiums can fit inside the Mall
4. If you were to visit the mall and spend 10 minutes inside every store, it would take you 86 hours to complete your journey.
5. It took 13300 tons of steel to build the Mall of America. That’s almost twice the amount it took to build the Eiffel Tower.
6. It boasts having a 1.2 million-gallon aquarium and feeding these aquatic creatures requires more than 100 pounds of food, daily.
7. It cost more than $650 million to build the Mall of America in 1992.
8. And they just confirmed a $325 million expansion of the mall. By the way, a trip to the moon costs roughly $100 million per person.
9. The Mall of America generates almost $2 billion in annual revenue for the state of Minnesota
10. On Black Friday in 2013, 29-year-old Serge Vorobyov was “cited for disorderly conduct” forthrowing $1,000 off the fourth story balcony at the Mall of America. He was inspired to do so by aGEICO commercial.
11. The temperature inside the Mall, is always 70 degrees in winter, summer, spring or fall
12. You can get married at the Chapel of Love in the Mall of America. In fact, more than 7,000 people have gotten married at the Mall of America since it opened.
13. The Mall of America plans to install two zip lines in the very near future.
14. It has no central heating. Despite Minnesota’s hot summers and brutally cold winters, the only parts of the Mall of America that are heated are the entrances. The year-round 70 degree temperature that it averages is maintained by body heat, lighting fixtures, and solar heat from the skylights.
15. The Mall of America uses water-saving toilets. This saves 1.4 million gallons of water a year.
16. The Mall of America boasts 40 million visitors annually.
17. In lieu of pesticides, 72,000 lady bugs were released in the Mall of America to protect its tropical plant life from aphids.
18. Speaking of plant life, moving all of those trees into the Mall of America required the labor of 65 semi-trucks.
19. The Mall of America was built whereMetropolitan Stadium once stood (former home of the Vikings and the Twins). There are plaques around marking where home plate was and where iconic home runs landed.
20. Allegedly, one in three visitors comes from at least 150 miles away, while 4 out of 10 visitors are tourists of some kind.
21. The Mall of America holds the world record for having the most Ninja Turtles amassed in one area. There were 836. Previous record: 786.
22. There are more than 520 stores in the Mall of America.
23. The Mall of America produces upward of 4,000 pounds of biodiesel fuel monthly from recycled fryer fat.
24. The Mall of America employs roughly 11,000 employees year round, and about 13,000 during the peak seasons.
25. Contained within two parking ramps, the Mall of America offers 12,550 on-site parking spots.
26. It’s the largest mall in the United States, 4.87 million square feet.
Visit the official Mall of America’s website andread more freaky facts too.
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