...That Nnamdi Azikwe could only converse in Hausa until age 8. Moved to Onitsha and became fluent in Igbo and later Yoruba.....


...That Igwe Israel Iweka was one of the 1st Nigerian civil engineering contractors and built the massive Iweka road at Onitsha....

...That this is Four times grammy award winner Sade Adu ( carried by her dad) and her mum and brother in Ibadan, Circa 1959

...That Before the war; Gowon and Ojukwu sharing a meal at Aburu,Ghana.While Ghana's head of state Joe Ankrah watched

...That This book was designed in honor of Emmanuel ifeajuna. 1st African to win Commonwealth. He was later executed in Enugu.

...that Ambassador of Nigeria to UN. Jaja Wachukwu dozed off at the UN council meeting on October 4th 1960.
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