Let start with Airtel NG, Are you aware that Airtel recently introduced 1GB plan not too long ago, I will keep this post very simple and short
To subscribe for Airtel 1GB at 1k simply dial *141*1*3#
Etisalat: Etisalat 1GB plan has been around for quite some time and I don’t really know why they decided to make it available for some selected individuals. The plan is okay, and the network is fast depending on your location.
To sub for Etisalat 1GB for N1,000 dial *229*2*7#
Glo NG, Glo too is not left out in this era of 1GB plan as they recently introduce theirs.
Glo 1GB is not sim selective at all.
To subscribe for Glo 1GB at 1k simply send 53 to 127
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