Today am very glad to share new vpn software called HTTP INJECTOR, This vpn works super-fast on android device, the speed is beyond your expectation, so i decide to intoduce it to you so that you can enjoy it speed.
HTTP INJECTOR works perfectly with MTN bblite and Etisalat social pak, now follow the steps below to configure it and enjoy unlimited browsing with HTTP INJECTOR u can also whatsapp me @ 08125926813 for any glitch and all networks unlimited browsing…..
To use Http Injector you need to create free Username and Pa$word
STEP 1: Account Creation
How to create account for Http Injector
VISIT to create a free account now.
Now select EUROPE as continent
Then Select any of the country in Europe continent either France, Germany etc.
Now you can choose username and pa$word and the simple math question and another username at right. Then click create account.
After successful creation you muv to d next step
STEP 2: Mobile Settings
On your Mobile settings
For Etisalat
Apn: etisalat
Others: blank
Port: 8080
Others: blank
STEP 3: Download Http Injector app and config file
1. Click HERE to download http injector app
2. Download config files below….
Click HERE download MTN bblited confg file
Click HERE to download etisalat confg file.
click HERE to download 2go mb config file.
STEP 4: Configuration for Http Injector
Lunch your http injector
Go to menu to import config file from your SD card
Click on settings and set it as show below
*connection mode: Select any ipbtablet(root) is for rooted device
*SSH HOST: Select your host due to your country e.g. is for Germany
*SSH PORT: 443
*Username- username
*Pa$word put your pa$word.
Etisalat 120GB for a year rocks…
Go back and click start and wait for few seconds to show connected.
- See more at:
Beautiful site you got
ReplyDeleteI could to download etisalat.ehi file
ReplyDeleteAwesome article. This is very important. I have a tutorial about Http Injector config. This is impormative.