Yay Finally
Rihanna commissioned conceptual artist Roy Machum to design the artwork for 'Anti', which does not yet have a release date.
At long last, Rihanna
has revealed the name of her much-delayed eighth studio album, as well
as unveiling the impressive conceptual artwork for the record.The new album will called Anti, and the title and cover art were revealed at a private viewing at the MaMa gallery in downtown Los Angeles on Wednesday night (October 7th). The artwork, designed by artist Roy Nachum, features a picture of Rihanna as a child, with her eyes covered by a gold crown.
Laid over the actual image is a poem, translated into Braille, by Chloe Mitchell. She has previously had her work used by Kanye West – who is incidentally one of the executive producers of Anti.
At the gallery, an exhibit attempted to explain the concept behind the title and artwork by saying that ‘Anti’ meant: “A person opposed to a particular policy, activity or idea.” It also stated that “in her collaboration with Roy Nachum, Rihanna has changed the history of album art. By continuing to follow her own instincts, her work strives to make an impact by doing the very antithesis of what the public expects.”
When it does eventually come out, Anti is expected to feature the three singles Rihanna has released over the last year or so – ‘American Oxygen’, ‘FourFiveSeconds’ and ‘B**** Better Have My Money’.
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