Even though singledom has it’s perks, it does have some downsides too. If you’re a single girl, you can definitely relate with one or all of these:
1. Your friends always try to set you up with a “friend of a friend.”
No, I’m not interested in meeting Mike, okay?
2. People, mostly relatives and African parents try to tell you that you need to find someone.
3. Or constantly ask why you don’t have a boyfriend or girlfriend.
Why are you so interested in my personal life?
4. You feel like a third wheel when you hang out with a couple.
5. Your friends in relationships always talk about their relationships.
Oh you got flowers? OMG, yes, please tell me about all the ~cute~ things your boyfriend does.
6. Or their relationship problems.
You’re fighting again? How fascinating.
7. Seeing PDA sometimes makes you feel really lonely.
Well, I’m depressed.
8. Or really, really grossed out.
9. “You know you’d get a boyfriend if you…”
10. Your exes or past hookups think they can just slide back in out of nowhere.
I’m single, not desperate.
11. Guys are always like “How are you single?” and you’re all:
I know, I’m amazing right?
12. Your #MCM is always a celeb.
Because, well, you don’t have your own.
13. Some people ask if you’re a lesbian.
14. People tell you that you’ve been single for too long.
Well I wasn’t aware there was something called ‘single timeline.’
15. When your friends are out as couples and you’re at home watching TV
It’s cool guys. I’ll just be here by myself.
16. Sometimes you just want someone around.
Because it can be nice on occasion.
17. But mostly, you get a little sick of hanging out with yourself all the time.
You’re completely amazing, but too much of a good thing can be bad.
Are you single? What are some single girl struggles you have?
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