You're the smaller one in this
bodies-intertwined scenario, which means you prefer to feel protected.
It's likely that you rock the boss lady role all day (whether that's in
the corner office or pullin' mommy duty like woah doesn't matter), so
you like to unwind and let someone else take the reigns. That means you
like to be taken care of and supported, but can't be suffocated either
(which explains why you can't stand his legs all over you. Follow the
spoon!). It's all about balance for you, so don't give up your weekly Shondaland
with the girls, or that monthly book club. Not only is it good for your
relationship—experts say it's important to foster hobbies and interests
outside of the relationship—but it satisfies your need for
independence, too.
It's probably very difficult for
you to relinquish control, no matter where you are or who you're with.
You may feel insecure more often than you'd like to admit, and your
husband taking the more "vulnerable" cuddling position could be a subtle
form of reassurance that he needs you as much as you need him. It's
also how you like to show affection—rather than letting him be the one
to initiate (because, again, you're a take-charge kind of gal), this is
your way of displaying emotion when you're behind closed doors. We're
not surprised if you're also the one to grab his hand when walking down
the street, plan your weekly date night, and initiate important
relationship conversations. Just remember, he might want to surprise you
every now and then, too (although with your need-to-know attitude,
pulling that off is pretty tough). So do the guy a solid and, even
though you picked which night is date night, let him choose the
At the end of the day, it's
important that you have someone you can lean on. Before you met your
husband, that was your roommate (wine night for the win), and before
that, your siblings. You don't really like to go through things
alone—you feel more confident in your decision-making if you have a
listening ear to reassure you or provide insight into something you
might not be seeing. You like being around people, but not in an
overbearing way. There's no need for the spotlight to shine on you—in
fact, you prefer to play the quiet, content, supportive role. It's rare
that you find yourself in a sticky situation, as you're usually the
first one to try to smooth things over when a situation starts to get
You prefer not to have your body
draped all over his when it's time to cuddle—a simple arm over your
shoulder is enough to satisfy you. That makes you a lover of the
classic, romantic gestures, so he'd do well to take you out to a
movie…and perhaps dance with you in the middle of a quiet street on the
walk home (hey, it worked for Ryan Gosling). You view your relationship
as an equal partnership, and while the amount you have to lean on him
fluctuates throughout life experiences, you prefer to keep things
balanced as much as possible. The two of you talk things over before any
big decisions or purchases are made, but that doesn't mean you need to
text him prior to any decision-making. You know how to stand on your own
two feet and think for yourself—but it's nice knowing he's there. You
know, just in case.
Legs Draped Over
Hello, Sasha Fierce! You're an
in-your-face kind of woman who isn't a fan of playing coy or beating
around the bush. You know what you want, and you're not afraid of, err,
marking your territory. Drama may follow you around—it's unlikely that
there are calm, "easy" fights in your mind—but that's just because you
feel so passionately about the things (and people) that matter most to
you. Which also means you're fiercely loyal, so if anyone tries to hurt
you—or your hubby—well, they can expect you to make some noise.
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