One of my favorite sayings is “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than speak and remove all doubt.”
Unfortunately, sometimes you need to speak even if you are stretching on a subject. But there are methods to make yourself look and sound more intelligent. We’ve rounded up 10 top tips you can easily put into action, even if you don’t feel smarter than a fifth-grader.
While the study didn’t specifically address the use of a first initial, I have a sneaking suspicion that it too could make you look smarter. After all, I can’t be the only one who thinks F. Scott Fitzgerald sounds more authoritative than Francis Fitzgerald.
Other research indicates not just any glasses will do either. For the full effect, you’ll want thick-rimmed glasses. Think Leonard Hofstadter from “The Big Bang Theory” glasses. On the downside, those big glasses will likely make you look less attractive, but, hey, we can’t have it all.
Incidentally, if you don’t need any visual aid, you can invest in vanity frames with non-corrective lenses.
ink? Unfortunately, sometimes you need to speak even if you are stretching on a subject. But there are methods to make yourself look and sound more intelligent. We’ve rounded up 10 top tips you can easily put into action, even if you don’t feel smarter than a fifth-grader.
1. Brush off your middle initial
We almost all have middle names, but very few of us seem to be using them to their full potential. Time to change that and start inserting that middle initial into your name. A study published in the European Journal of Social Psychology in 2014 found that the use of a middle initial can make you look more intellectual.While the study didn’t specifically address the use of a first initial, I have a sneaking suspicion that it too could make you look smarter. After all, I can’t be the only one who thinks F. Scott Fitzgerald sounds more authoritative than Francis Fitzgerald.
2. Take out the contacts and put on the glasses
Another way to look more intelligent before you ever speak a word is to wear glasses. A 2011 study from The College of Optometrists in the United Kingdom found 43 percent of those surveyed believe glasses make people look more intelligent.Other research indicates not just any glasses will do either. For the full effect, you’ll want thick-rimmed glasses. Think Leonard Hofstadter from “The Big Bang Theory” glasses. On the downside, those big glasses will likely make you look less attractive, but, hey, we can’t have it all.
Incidentally, if you don’t need any visual aid, you can invest in vanity frames with non-corrective lenses.
3. Put down the beer
Everyone seems to lose a few IQ points after downing a few drinks, but the mere presence of alcohol in your hand can make you look like a dimwit. In a 2013 issue of the Journal of Consumer Psychology, researchers called this the “imbibing idiot bias.”In other words, even if you don’t take a sip, the fact that you’re holding an alcoholic drink may give the impression you’re just moments away from being a blithering idiot, or that you’re just not smart enough to know not to drink in certain situations. Either way, play it safe and skip the alcohol when you want to look your sharpest.
4. Skip gargantuan polysyllabic words
I know, you just learned what idiosyncratic means and want to use it everywhere. But doing so greatly increases your chances of looking like a lame wannabe. Truly smart people use clear, concise language, and by using bigger words than necessary, you risk others thinking you are “gasconading.”Research published in the journal Applied Cognitive Psychology in 2005 backs us up here. It found the writers of essays who used overly complex vocabulary or too many words were judged to be less intelligent. Our advice: Don’t try so hard and use words that come naturally.
5. Make eye contact
6. Ask questions rather than make statements
You may think sharing your extensive knowledge on all subjects known to man would make you look smart, but you’d be wrong. Rather, it may make you look like a pompous windbag.A better approach may be to ask questions or, more specifically, ask for advice. Research out of the Harvard Business School this year found those who ask advice are deemed more competent than those who do not.
7. Dress to impress, but keep your assets covered
No matter what the Dove commercials tell us, we’ll always be judged, at least partially, on our looks. If you want to be seen as an intellectual giant, you should consider ditching the jeans and T-shirts and putting on something more polished. For proof, we can go into the vault and pull out a 1997 study that demonstrated teaching assistants were taken more seriously and judged more able if they were professionally dressed.Speaking of clothes, remember modest attire is your friend. If you dress like “Magic Mike” during his big finale, you risk coming across as a mimbo. Researchers from the University of Maryland and Yale University conducted a series of experiments that found when people were sexualized, they were perceived as less intelligent. So protest as you will, ladies, but keep the cleavage in check if you want to look like the mental superstar you are.
8. Stand tall and straight
I didn’t realize it until researching this article, but apparently taller people are more intelligent than shorter people. As someone who is 5 feet 4, I find this news a bit troublesome. Nevertheless, let’s put it to our advantage!Even if you’re not tall, you can make the most of what you’ve got. Good posture can signal that you’re powerful and in control, so if you’re trying to impress someone with your brain, make sure you’re standing or sitting straight. On the other hand, if you’re hoping your body will be what makes an impression, then you have my permission to lean on the bar while trying to pick up the hot chick.
9. Take care of your teeth
Another way to make yourself look smarter is to keep your pearly whites healthy. A survey of 1,047 people found 38 percent of them said they perceive people with straight teeth as smarter than those with crooked teeth.Beyond making you look smarter, good teeth can help you appear younger and more attractive to boot. Keep that in mind the next time you’re tempted to skip your evening brushing and flossing.
(For additional tips on this front, check out “11 Ways to Save on Straight Teeth for Your Kids (or Yourself.”)
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