2. 90% of women are dissatisfied with their figure.
3. Most girls under the age of 25 years may opt out of a serious relationshipwith a guy, if he is yanger than she more than for 2 years.
5. Any girl would worry about breaking a long relationship for over a year, even if she does not feel anything to the partner.
6. When three or more women get together, they talk about men.
7. Almost all the girls smoke occasionally, but prefer not to tell this to partner.
8. Girls are able to buy a pair of jeanssizes smaller, thereby acquiring an incentive to lose weight.
9. There is no girl indifferent tocosmetics. Even if a girl is not painted, in any case she has a huge number of tubes and bottles.
10. Sometimes the girls are more attracted and impressed by the original package, than the gift that lies therein.Bows, ribbons, beautiful gift wrappers girl keeps for years.
11. Most of the girls keeps sms, postcards, notes from beloved guys.
12. In the age of 10-14 girls fall in love with the same boy by whole groups, andnotify each other about it, and jealousy has no place here.
13. If you think that she may fel in love with you, ask her friends. Moreover, the more friends she has, the more likely to know the truth. Girls do not know how to keep secrets.
14. Girls like notebooks with beautiful cover art and buy them even if they do not need them.

16. All the girls complexes about their appearance.
17. Most of the girls do not likebodybuilders. 

18. She may cry with no reason.
19. Girl may be upset when you tell her something with dissatisfied or offended tone. Moreover, for you the tone may be neutral.
20. If the girl has a problem, she definitely need to discuss it with friends. Whether with a bottle of beer or a cup of tea. The main thing – to discuss!
21. Girls do not like young men,unfriendly to animals.
23. Repair the electrical wiring or gadgetat the request of the girl and in her eyesyou will grow to the level of divinity.Almost all women are afraid of technics breakage.
24. Putting on 1 kg for women is fatal!
25. Girls are able to gorge vegetables, fruit, porridge, that guys do not consider the meal.
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