If you’ve worked with a website developer or you have coders as friends, you will find these photos hilarious.
When his application works the first time he test it.
When he fixes a sprawling code base that was written by a beginner developer.
When his boss orders him to implement a ridiculous feature.
His reaction when his a co-worker asks him if he’s working during the weekend.
When his colleague tells him that the WYSIWYGPT editor on Facebook is great.
When he upgrades the RAM on his server from 1GB to 2GB.
When he is told that a feature he’s been working on for the past few weeks is no longer needed.
When he’s asked to work with a programming language he’s unfamiliar with.
When somebody tells him that their favorite programming language is HTML.
When he sees a bug he thought he had fixed.
When the new coder in the company breaks something.
When his new colleague makes a “quick change” to a module that he developed.
When a client indicates that they want something that is completely different from the system he had originally agreed on.
When somebody asks him why he uses a text editor instead of an IDE.
After hours of trying to figure out why his code won’t work, he discovers he’s done something incredibly stupid.
When he is forced to make changes to a file on a production server.
When he catches the new employee browsing his in-house app with Internet Explorer.
Hearing that the system is down, moments after he just deployed some code.
That feeling he gets when he makes the final change to a project.
When people talk about the new feature he just created.
When he listens to vague bug reports on the phone.
Trying out a new tool for the first time.
When a potential client tells him that they’ll pay him as soon as their website starts making money.
When he takes an existing project, only to discover that the previous designer used nested tables for layout.
Finding out that one bug fix leads to the introduction of several more.
When his boss keeps dumping more and more work on his lap.
When he opens a large file that has all of its logic and presentation intertwined.
Testing out his new app for the first time.
The reaction he gets when he asks a stupid question on a programming help forum.
The first person to test out the new feature he just implemented.
Realising that his website isn’t as popular as he thought it would be.
I don’t think this one needs any explanation.
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