
Hang Up
The base of this pole was burned off completely, but
it’s still up thanks to some support from the wires. It’s been carrying
those wires for all these years; it’s about time they supported it for a

Lighten Up
Now this definitely looks like someone manually
reduced the color saturation on only the girl to make her appear in
grayscale. Actually, though, she has clothing choice, makeup, and hair
dye to thank for this surprising look.

Socket To Me
There’s no way that this photo could be real, right?
Wrong. The man is named Billy Owen, and he overcame a sinus cancer that
wound up costing him his right eye. Now he’s in the business of creeping
people out at places like Eli Roth’s Goretorium.

Family Dinner
No, somebody did not Photoshop a bear into this
family dinner; in fact, the bear is a part of this family. Brutus was
adopted by the naturalist Casey Anderson as a newborn cub. Anderson even
had Brutus be the best man at his wedding to the actress Missi Pyle!

United Forces
It looks like someone used a mirroring effect on this
soldier, but actually this is a snapshot of hundreds of soldiers
marching together in perfect unison. It’s incredible how well-trained
they are!

Wavy Building
If you think that there’s no way this ripply building
can be real, then you’re actually right. It’s a drape put up by a
construction site to block their work. You can catch a glimpse of the
site behind the drape at the very top of the image.

In The Zony
Yep, those stripey patches are real! This is a zebra and pony hybrid; known as a zony.
Into The Deep
This frightening looking watery vortex is indeed real! It is a man-made funnel that drains excess water during floods.

Another Beautiful Day
None of the work of artist Philippe Ramette is ever
Photoshopped, including this unbelievable scene. Ramette believes
nothing in art should ever be faked, and for this shot he commissioned a
small barge resembling a sideways balcony, fastened his feet to the
wall, and held onto the wooden rail as the photos were taken.

Floating Faucet
Known as the Magic Tap, this peculiar fountain has
baffled visitors to Aqualand in Spain for years. How is it held up, and
where is the water coming from? Both quandaries are explained by the
transparent tube that is hidden by the deluge itself.

Something’s Fishy
Seeing as the average goldfish grows to about 10
inches, this man-sized beast is certainly something out of the
ordinary. Raphael Biagini, pictured here, spent 6 years hunting this
gigantic goldfish in southern France before actually managing to catch

Sky Tornado
Imagine looking up and seeing that thing! No, it’s
not a horizontal tornado in the sky (although it does look like one);
it’s just an intimidating cloud.

Land Ho!
Don’t worry; this yacht did not run aground.
Actually, this is the Sun Cruise Resort of South Korea, and it was
designed on the cliff to resemble a yacht.

What The Puck
We all know hickey fights can get pretty out of hand,
but these guys are really losing their heads over something! This
player’s head wasn’t edited out, it just looks like it due to the camera
snapping this shot while his helmet is mid-air.

Scuba Building
What exactly is going on here? This is the Radisson
Blu Hotel in Berlin, which houses the world’s largest cylindrical
aquarium. The 82-feet high AquaDom holds a million liters of salt water
and a vibrant collection of tropical fish, along with allowing certified
divers to explore the contents.

Cloud City
Is there another civilization living up in the
clouds? No, this is actually the city of Dubai. The Arab city with some
of the highest skyscrapers in the world experiences this cloudy effect
at the tops of their buildings twice a year when a heavy fog descends.

Back On Track
Although they do seem perfectly parallel, these
winding railroad tracks were obviously not intentional. After an
earthquake hit New Zealand, it left the railroad tracks looking like

The Second Coming
Jesus said he’s be back, and here he is walking on
water just like old times. Actually, this is just a very perfectly timed
photo of a boy jumping into a pool.

In Living Color
Here’s another use of makeup to create the appearance
of a grayscale look. That is drag performer Detox posing alongside
actress Candis Cayne in this unedited photo.

The Face Of Nature
As hard as it may be to believe, this photograph is
completely unedited. French artist Clement Briend is responsible for
illuminating 3D faces onto trees with multiple large format projectors.

In The Black
This starkly black house in Germany really stands out
in the neighborhood. Before it stood out so much, this building was
slated for demolition in 2008. Artists Erik Sturm and Simon Jung took
that opportunity to give it a very gothic makeover.
Photo credit: brainjet
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