Court bans couple from naming their son Prince Williams

Finally theres nothing we won't hear again!!

A couple, from Perpignan, France, who cannot be identified for legal reasons, wanted to use ‘Prince William’ as an extended first name after Prince Williams, the Duke of Cambridge. They then asked to use the name ‘Mini Cooper’, after the classic British car, but that too was overruled.

An article of France’s civil code, which ‘allows judges to protect a child from a potential lifetime of mockery was cited by the court before overruling the parents. Until 1993, babies in France had to be given a name from a list deemed acceptable by the government.

The list was scrapped, but a court can still ban names if they decide it is against the child’s best interests. Last year, a court in Valenciennes, banned one couple from naming their daughter, Strawberry, because the girl would face being mocked. “Move your Strawberry” is French slang for “Move your bottom.”

Judges ruled that the baby girl would end up being the subject of extreme mockery, especially from future schoolmates. This year a dog owner was told he could not name his dogs ‘Itler’ and ‘Iva’ after Adolf Hitler and his partner Eva Braun…


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