When Your Ex leaves for a downgrade

I’ve been feeling guilty. Not guilty enugh to make me change my ways or anything, but guilty nonetheless. Girls always want to laugh about how their exes are now dating someone ugly or even just less attractive than themselves. I can’t really say I’m any different. This is an inner battle I’ve been struggling with as of late.
A couple months ago my ex girlfriend, who at the time I still hung out with and talked to on a regular basis, broke the news that she was now dating someone else. Since we had been broken up for almost two years, I didn’t really care that much. At least, not in the sense that I was jealous. But then the more I thought about it, the more my bratty, bitch alter-ego started coming out. I thought to myself:
“How DARE she have another boyfriend! All of her attention is supposed to be focused on ME!!!!!!! It doesn’t matter that we’ve been broken up for over a year and that I have no plans of getting back together with her! It’s all about ME!!!!”
Yeah, if you think that sounds annoying, try having those words run through your mind. Especially when you know you’re just acting like selfish. Well, needless to say I got over that and realized how dumb I was being. But still, I am a cancerian after all and I do have that stalker gene in me. And I did still feel a little upset by it. This girl may be my ex, yes, but she was also a good friend who I had a lot of fun with! I definitely felt a little down about it.
So curiosity got the best of me and I did what anyone else in my shoes would do- I looked this boy up on Facebook. I scrolled through his pictures and saw someone who…. quite frankly, just doesn’t measure up! This may sound unbelievably shallow and self-centered of me, but when I saw that this guy did not look the way I pictured him to look, (which is 10x better than me) all of my feelings of being hurt, upset or betrayed went away in an instant. But I really don’t feel all that bad about it, because I know that millions of other guys/girls   have felt the exact same way that I do: unbelievably powerful, superior and on top of the world.
What’s really funny is that I know her well. Very well. I’ve known her for almost 8 years now. Looking at her, I know for a fact that this is someone she would never in a million years be attracted to. And I don’t care what anyone says, dating someone who you aren’t physically attracted to is a ridiculous concept. The fire may eventually burn out over time, but if you don’t start out with any fire, what are you left with? Mushy, unappealing wax. There’s no use for it. Anyway… She’s not attracted to him, and she is very much attracted to me. That may sound pretty egotistical of me, but whatever, I know it’s true. If I feel anything, it’s pity.
But I’m too busy feeling full of myself to feel any pity at the moment.
So to guys and girls  out there upset over the fact that your ex is now dating someone less attractive than you: Don’t be! It’s funny! I now get to revel in the fact that she’s dating that, and I still get to enjoy this life.
Chopped and screwed from naija's only single girl

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