You Have A Smart Phone Stop Doing Stupid Ish With It 


You have a smart phone stop doing stupid ish with it, basically means that you have a smart phone so stop doing ish with it! Lot of people use their ultra cool blackberrys, iphones and Android phones to send senseless messages and texts all day long. While there is nothing wrong with having a little fun with your phone, what is wrong is making that the primary purpose of your device. Your device is way too powerful for stuff like “if you don’t send this to 7 people your blank will blank” or “Forward this to all your friends for a free blank-pad.” Your smart phones are smarter better than that and should be used for smart things, like creating draft entries to that blog post that you have always been meaning to write, tracking your business appointments and activities, computing business expenses or responding to emails from those important clients and lots more. Whatever you decide to do, just remember that you have a smart phone so stop doing stupid ish with ith it!


  1. Very true Ofili - very true!! Now I have an excuse not forward those messages. Not that I was forwarding them in the first place...

  2. Very true Ofili - very true!! Now I have an excuse not forward those messages. Not that I was forwarding them in the first place...


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