9 Sure Steps To Memorize Quickly and not Forget

9 Steps To Memorize Quickly and not Forget. While most people are strongly against cramming, it is sometimes necessary. While concepts should be studied and understood, sometimes you have to memorize facts, figures and formulas, and that is where the ability to memorize quickly and not forget comes in. The problem is that recalling something requires learning, and we all learn in different ways. Below are some universal steps to mastering the art of recalling so that you can start memorizing a ton of data in a short amount of time.

1. Prepare your Mind

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First of you have to remove anything that can clutter your mind, free yourself of worries. Do not begin with liquor or anything that will impair your mind. Choose a place conducive to memorizing, usually a quiet place away from distractions and noise. There are also foods or drinks that help make the mind sharper, you can imbibe such. However, do so sparingly.

2. Recording

Most people especially auditory learners (this are people that learn and retain faster what they hear thanothers), can take advantage of a recorder either using your smartphone or some other recording device to make a record of what you want to memorize. listening to yourself speaking will help you retain and remember better.

3. Write Everything Down

Before you start trying to recall everything from memory, write and re-write the information. This will help you become more familiar with what you’re trying to memorize. Doing this while listening to your tape recorder can also help you retain a lot of the data. This is most useful for experiential learners (People that learn through repeated experiences).

4. Section your notes.

Now that you have everything written down in one set of notes, separate them into sections. This is ideal for visual learners(people that learn better and faster through sight) especially if you use color coding to differentiate between subjects. This will help you break everything down and start compartmentalizing the information being recorded in your brain. So use markers or highlighters of different colors. It is quite a fun way to memorize.

5. Apply Repetition

They say practice makes perfect, however, what they mean is repetition makes perfect. For each line of text, repeat it a few times and try to recall it without looking. As you memorize each set of text, be cumulative by adding the new information to what you’ve just learned. This will keep everything within your short-term memory from fading. Keep doing this until you have memorized that section and you are able to recall the entire thing. Do not move on to another section until you have memorized that one completely. If you are recording also replay over and over. Replay, rewind, replay.

6. Write it down from memory

Now that you can recall entire sections, write everything down from memory. This will reinforce everything you just have just learned by applying it experientially. You can also recite what you have been playing from memory. Don’t be discouraged if you do not get it, keep trying.

7. Teach it to someone (or yourself)

The most effective method for me when I was in school was to teach the information to someone else. You can do this in a variety of ways. You can lecture the knowledge to someone sitting right in front of you (or the mirror, if you can’t convince anyone to sit through it) and explain everything extemporaneously. Explaining to someone, engraves the information better in your subconscious and will make it far difficult to forget.

8. Listen to the recordings Always

While doing unrelated tasks like laundry or driving, go over the information again by listening to your tape recordings. This is certainly auditory learning, but it will still supplement everything you’ve shoved into your short-term memory. Even before you go to sleep, you can plug in headphones and continue listening, it is almost the same way we memorize songs.

9. Take a break

Finally, let your mind breathe. Go for a short time without thinking about what you just learned and come back to it later on. You’ll find out what you really know, of course, and this will help you focus on the sections you might be weakest at.

Some tips were gotten from lifehack.


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