The Igbo Nation
Every event has teaching and learning lessons for those involved with it. Thus, the just concluded national elections in Nigeria have lessons for Igbos. It behooves Igbos to learn those lessons or ignore them and keep doing things as they did before and reap the same results while expecting different results.
The just concluded elections pitched two main political parties (and twelve minor ones) and their presidential candidates. Mohammadu Buhari competed on the platform of the All Progressive Congress, APC and Goodluck Jonathan competed on the platform of the People’s Democratic Party, PDP.
Hausas, Fulanis and Yorubas formed the core of the All Progressive Congress. Igbo’s remained in the Peoples Democratic Party.
The seven Igbo states (Rivers and Delta states included) voted for the PDP and its Jonathan. The PDP and its Jonathan lost to the APC and its Buhari.
In addition, the APC gained substantially in the National Assembly and probably would now produce the Senate’s president and the House of Representatives Speaker.
Assuming that the winning political party produces occupants of the Senate president and House speaker and since apparently there are no Igbos in leadership positions in the APC, it follows that there would be no Igbo occupying the four key leadership positions in Nigeria, President, Vice President, Senate President and House Speaker.
Considering that most Igbos did not support Buhari, it is conceivable that if the man is not generous he would give Igbos second tier ministerial positions but not the first tier ones such as defense, finance and foreign affairs.
All said, it seems that Igbo are now destined to be on the sidelines in Nigerian politics. They are going to be on the bleachers and from there complain about what those in the political arena did or did not do to them.
Since they would be denied effective roles in national politics they would fall unto their selves fighting for who are the governor of this Igbo state or not, who is the senator and so on. Igbos would be tearing their selves apart in their efforts to seem to have any kind of political power when in fact they have none at the national level (the intragroup fighting has already begun and is only going to get worse as the powerlessness of the Igbos in the Buharian age becomes apparent).
Generally, it is understood that Nigeria has three main ethnic groups: Hausa-Fulanis, Yorubas and Igbos and numerous small ones. These three groups vied for the leadership of Nigeria. Since none of them is so numerically dominant as to rule the country alone (as is the case with the Shonas in Zimbabwe where they are more dominant than the Ndebele minority hence Mugabe’, a Shona’s perpetual rule) it follows that the three figure out ways to align with each other. In the past, Hausas aligned with Igbos to form governments.
This time around Hausas aligned with Yorubas to win the election hence form the forthcoming government and Igbos are left on the backbench (from where they would no doubt complain to a non-listening world that they are marginalized).
The real question is this: why and how did Igbos allow themselves to be outmaneuvered by Yorubas so that Yorubas formed an alliance with Hausas to win the present election? This is a question that needs to be asked and answered.
Until Igbos grasp the import of what just happened to them they would remain outside Nigerian politics. And they may well remain political outsiders in Nigeria, for the Igbos of this generation seem politically naïve and unsophisticated.
Democracy is a game of numbers. In Nigeria, no one ethnic group by itself has the numbers to win national elections so as to rule Nigeria. A group must therefore figure out a way to form an alliance with others to win elections.
If Igbos had formed an alliance with Yorubas and the ethnic minority groups in the South and Middle Belt they may have produced a viable presidential candidate and that candidate might have today won the presidential election. But, instead, Igbo’s began talking and behaving as if they alone can win elections and rule Nigeria. Since in the real world that is Impossible they are left to live in their fantasy world.
Lately, many Igbos began behaving like they can separate from Nigeria. They apparently forgot that Nigeria was put together by the British and therefore the British and its allies (the USA in particular) have vested interest in keeping Nigeria together. There is just no way Igbos are going to separate from Nigeria if Brittan and the USA are opposed to that eventuality.
Not operating in the world of real politics, many Igbos seem to believe that it is up to them to separate from Nigeria. They apparently forgot that their leaders in the past tried it and the West and the rulers of Nigeria teamed up to subdue them. This will happen again should Igbos try that venture in the near future.
Simply stated, the idea of separation from Nigeria is not feasible at this time. However, secession is possible if Igbos do what South Sudanese did, go to war, this time willingly accept a prolonged war, say, thirty or more years. The South Sudanese fought with the North Sudanese so-called Arabs from 1956-2010 (that is, 54 years).
It is when a group goes to a prolonged war and bleeds the ruling elements in their country that the elements sue for peace that may result in the division of the country.
As it is, it seems that Igbos are not willing or able to undertake a fifty years war with the Nigerian state and therefore are not going away from Nigeria soon.
This then means that Igbos must wise up and figure out a way to get along with other Nigerian ethnic groups. But, instead of doing this, many Igbos seem to be deluded and believe in their imaginary sense of superiority to other Nigerians.
Having identified with grandiose self-concepts (paranoia is belief that one is a superior self when in fact no human being is superior to other persons) such Igbos run around putting other Nigerians down. They talk as if in fact they are their imaginary superior and powerful selves. They see themselves as their delusion of grandeur wants them to seem: superior persons (that delusion of grandeur is followed with delusion of persecution hence such persons feel persecuted by the same Nigerians they feel superior to).
From their imaginary superior self they put other Nigerians down; they insult Nigerians right, left and center. Such Igbos have so bad mouthed other Nigerians that most Nigerians now see them as arrogant bastards and want nothing to do with them.
Igbos have thoroughly alienated other Nigerians; it is safe to say that Igbos are probably the most hated people in Nigeria! In their minds they seem to believe that they are hated by other Nigerians because of their imagined superiority (and supposed successes) but, in fact, they are hated because they are royal pains in the ass; they are hated because of their disgusting habit of putting other people down, their tendency not to give to human beings what they crave, love and respect.
As long as you do not respect people they will hate you and some may even attack and or kill you. Existentially people feel that they are nothing; they feel like their lives have no value and worth, after all they are going to die, rot and stink to high heaven and become food for worms. Because they feel worthless they want their fellow human beings to respect them.
Nature may not respect people but at least other people respect them and that suites their existential sense of nothingness, their angst.
But come Igbos and they take away what people crave most, respect from them. You see, Igbos know that people want respect and they deliberately go out of their way to take away respect from people, to deny them what they want to make their pointless and meaningless existence seem worthwhile.
Because they deliberately take respect away from people Igbos are evil people; because they are evil nature and nature’s God permits them to be killed.
It is not a joke when you insult people for in doing so you are trying to depress them and make them commit suicide; you want them to die; in seeking other people’s death you have signed your own death certificate hence Igbos are always killed by those they denigrate.
People hate you for not respecting them; they want you to die, literally!
Do you like the person who does not respect you? You probably do not. If so, why do you disrespect people? Didn’t the Jewish mystic, Jesus Christ ask you to do unto other persons as you want them to do to you? You want other people to love and respect you, so love and respect them. This is the law of nature and nature’s God.
The only acceptable behavior from one human being to another is love and respect. Disrespect other people and you have invited them to attack and kill you. Igbos disrespect people and thus invite attack and killing of Igbos.
If you disrespect people and they kill you, you deserved to die, for if you had any kind of intelligence in your head you would realize that the condition of living is such that people feel like they are shit and thus need the love and respect of their fellow human beings to feel like they have some worth; since you refused to give people what they want to make their living worthwhile, respect, you deserve to die and must die!
Given this reality, it is doubtful that most Nigerians would vote for proud Igbos for any electoral office. One can safely speculate that given what Igbos have said about other Nigerians that it would be near impossible for other Nigerians to elect an Igbo president of Nigeria until this generation has passed (a generation is about 35 years).
Since Igbos are not going anywhere from Nigeria it means that from now on Igbos must start repairing the damage they have done to their relationship with other Nigerians. They have to learn humility and accept equality and sameness with other Nigerians; they have to stop pretending to be superior to other Nigerians; they have to love and respect other Nigerians.
Igbos have about thirty-five years to prove to other Nigerians that they are no longer deluded and are now sane and thus treat all people as equal and respect all people. When this happens then Igbos would figure out a way to form political alliances with other ethnic groups so that their candidates can be viable contenders for the presidency of Nigeria.
Until this happens I do not see how an Igbo is going to be the president of Nigeria. And this situation occurred because Igbos shot themselves on their feet. Like mad men (deluded paranoids) they ran around pretending that they are better than other people, insulting other people and unrealistically expecting those they insulated to vote for them!
In the real world those you insult will not vote to place you in leadership position over them. People at root know that all human beings, black and white, men and women are equal and the same. People instinctively know that no one is permanently better than other people.
No human being is god and, as such, did not create other people and thus have no right to expect other people to bow down to him. The real God who created all people sees all his children as the same and co-equal, so any son of God that pretends that he is better than others is insane and needs healing.
Igbos must figure out a way to heal themselves of the fantasy that they are better than other people. But as we all know, delusion disorder is the most difficult mental disorder to heal.
The deluded person feels inordinately inferior and inadequate and wants to feel the opposite of what he feels. He compensates with fictional sense of superiority and latches unto it and sees whoever tells him to give up his grandiose self-concept and self-image as attacking him, as his enemy (many Igbos see the person telling them that they are not big deals as their enemy for in their delusion they want you to see them as big deals).
What Igbos need to do is change their self-perception, from arrogant to humble, from superior to equal. They can do it and must do it.
When they have done so they would be welcomed back to Nigerian politics. Until they do it they are going to be in the background, in the stands looking in at the real gladiators in Nigerian politics, Hausas and Yorubas duke it out on how they rule Nigeria.
Blaming other people for their fate will not change anything for Igbos, for it is they that gave themselves their present unenviable fate by their unwarranted arrogance and sense of superiority to other Nigerians, indeed, to all people. Now, they are left to feel superior to their shadows!
Those they feel superior to, other Nigerians have done to them what normal folks do to mad men, leave them to walk the world feeling unwarranted superiority to other people, albeit only in their imaginations!
Mad men who feel superior to other people are shunted aside and left to live in their delusion that one human being can ever be superior to others. Superiority is only possible in fantasy, not in the real world where all people are equal. Those who feel superior to other persons are left to live in their separated world of fantasy.
Igbos are currently not part of Nigeria’s real politics; they currently live in their own world of fantasy where they feel superior to the shadows of other Nigerians, not to actual Nigerians.
Igbos must retrieve themselves from their fantasy world and re-inject themselves to the real world; and in it seeing themselves as the equals of other Nigerians. From that sane ground they have to form alliances with other Nigerians and from so doing play realistic roles in Nigeria’s politics.
The recently concluded elections in Nigeria proves the point that no one now expects an Igbo to be the president of Nigeria; they are left to support an Ijaw man who did not give a hoot for them (as demonstrated by the fact that he did not engage in economic development in Alaigbo…he knew that Igbos are self-centered and that each of them fights for his ego interests but not for Igbo collective interests so he gave a few Igbos good positions in his administration, such as Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, but made sure that they did nothing for collective Igbos and in so doing mollify Igbos pride from occupying seeming prestigious social positions).
Igbos have to decide to re-enter Nigerian politics or to live in the world of delusion and fancy themselves special when in fact they are not special. No human being is special. Their God created all of them equal so for any person to see his self as better than other person is for him to be deluded. Delusion disorder is a mental disorder; its healing lies in changing one’s self-assessment and henceforth seeing one’s self as the equal, not superior or inferior, of all people.
PS: Albert Einstein observed that weak intellects generally are unable to understand what seems obvious to smart persons and from their lack of understanding call smart people mad. I do not expect many Igbos to understand this very obvious essay; as expected, they would mask their ignorance by calling its writer insane. These people’s ego defenses include calling those who tell them their truth “psycho” and in so doing do not make necessary changes in their behaviors and personalities hence remain the royal pains in the asses they are universally perceived to be!
Ozodi Osuji, PhD

30 is not the new 20, and that grown women really ought to be getting their sh*t together in their 20s. Be proactive about your career. Don’t refuse to get a full-time job as an excuse to figure out who you are. Stop dating losers. All sound advice. But why does no one ever say that to men?
Not the first part, obviously. Men are expected to have a sense of direction and ambition more or less from birth, so much so that most women will list “ambition” right under “sense of humor” on a list of vague qualities they seek out in a romantic partner. No, the last part, the thing about dating “losers.” It’s a testament to just how useless TED talks are, because people have been telling women that their boyfriends are losers forever. Not once, though, have I ever heard someone tell a man, “Dude, why are you dating her? She’s such a loser.”
The more I think about why, the more depressing the can of worms becomes (and a can full of worms should be depressing enough on its own). It says something about society as a whole, in that men have never really valued drive and success as selection criteria and we’re all kind of OK with that. Mothers instruct their daughters to find a “nice, successful boy,” but fathers high-five their sons when they bring home the prom queen. It’s also (sadly) kind of presumed that men will settle down as they age and choose higher quality women, as though it’s a concept we as men had the good sense to invent and that the womenfolk would never figure out were it not for our guidance.
Additionally, despite tolerating men calling women all sorts of awful things for centuries, society, curiously enough, won’t stand for men referring to women as “losers” or “useless.” I’ve just never heard it. Were someone to call a woman a “loser” for being, say, a career grad student or some kind of lowbrow service professional, I feel it would be met with cries of “Hey, at least she’s trying!” or “Who are you to judge?” Of course, the joke’s on them, because justifying someone’s career choice undermines that person’s freedom of choice, and chastising one group for judging another while encouraging the same thing among your own group is the very opposite of equality.
Unfashionable as it may be, I’m going to go ahead and say that, in 2013, men need to stop dating losers. What exactly that means may be hard to define. When women deride a man as being a “useless loser,” what they really seem to be complaining about is someone who blindly, uncompromisingly places his own prerogatives above all else, often at the expense of others. The girl with the loser boyfriend who won’t get a job because it would “cut into practice time with the band” is actually saying that if he would compromise a little, they could probably realize some goals that would benefit them both equally. The same thing holds true the other way around.
While career/ambition is far from the only way in which being a loser can manifest itself, it’s definitely common, and prominent. Any woman now in her 20s and 30s was likely raised to believe that she can (and should) do well in school, get education, and then go forth into the world and make her mark. Barriers and pay gaps still exist, but most women are able to pursue any career they’d like. In fact, there are more women breadwinners than ever. Given that, if ambition is something that’s important to you, it would make sense that it would be something important to your partner as well. An earnings rift, or at least one caused by one less-ambitious partner, can and will wreck a relationship. Women know this, which is why they seek out men who at least have the potential for success. Men don’t seem to realize it until they’re supporting another person whose biggest life decision is where she wants to eat lunch that day. A woman who doesn’t really have anything going on is not worth your time. Modern life is too expensive for everyone’s ambitions not to matter.

But it’s not just about careers. I think we’ve all, at some point, been involved with a woman who was so wrapped up in some aspect of herself that it made her a loser in her own right, whether it’s her job or something else (and we men are just as guilty of this). Whenever you ask someone to tell you about themselves, and their answer begins with, “Well, I work for such and such,” you know you’re dealing with someone with not a lot to offer. Really, that goes for all people who defines themselves through a singular characteristic. Life doesn’t work that way. You can’t “cheat” by pouring yourself into and perfecting one single aspect of it and then expecting everything else to fall in place. A woman who’s beautiful is nothing if she doesn’t also have goals. A hard-driving career woman is no good unless she has outside interests and knows how to create time for them. If it sounds like I’m saying men should try to find a woman who “has it all,” I am. Women are taking the same approach to us.
If women can set a high bar for the men they date, there’s no reason we can’t, too. It’s time more men set standards for themselves that go beyond cup size or hair color. If your standards are ridiculous, that’s fine. You’ll just take yourself out of the dating pool. But there’s no reason for men (or anyone) to date losers unwilling to alter their course in life to at least somewhat accommodate what’s supposed to be a loved one. She wants a man who went to a prestigious school? That’s fine, but she shouldn’t be surprised if the men she’s after expect the same thing. She wants a guy who makes a lot of money? Sure, and maybe she doesn’t need to make as much money as you, but maybe you expect her to at least have some clear goals.
Life, as they say, is a two-way street.
This story was originally published by AskMen.
In the past three years, while his classmates were doing homework and playing sports, Moziah Bridges built himself a $150,000 business.
That’s right–he started his business when he was 9 years old. Not yet a teenager, Bridges now has five staff members and has received a ton of media attention, from an appearance on the TV show Shark Tank to features in O magazine and Vogue.
“I like to wear bow ties, because they make me look good and feel good,” Bridges writes on his website. “Designing a colorful bow tie is just part of my vision to make the world a fun and happier place.”
Ever the fashionista, he’s reveled in style from a young age. At four years old, Bridges wore a suit and tie whenever possible and insisted on dressing himself.
His business, Mo’s Bows, was born of his love for bow ties and his dissatisfaction with the selection available for kids his age. Even worse than the poor color selection, they were all clip-ons–Bridges believed real men should tie their own ties. His grandmother taught him to sew by hand and to use a sewing machine, using scraps to create his favorite neckwear.
Within a few months, he had created his own collection of more than two dozen bow ties. Friends and family fell in love with his creations. Bridges upped his production, fashioning tidy bow ties from his grandmother’s vintage fabrics in an array of floral and African prints, and even scraps of old taffeta dresses.
Word of mouth worked its magic, and soon Bridges was taking orders through Facebook and selling on his own Etsy store. As demand increased, his mother, grandmother, and other family members came on board to help with production.
Today, each bow tie is still sewn from scratch, though Bridges has expanded from vintage materials to tweeds and ginghams, with a formal line of satins and silk. His bow ties are available in his own webstore, on Etsy, and in boutiques throughout Texas, South Carolina, and Tennessee.
When asked who his role models are, he said he looks up to Daymond John, who became his mentor as a result of the Shark Tank appearance.
As if his early success in business weren’t enough, Bridges has also become something of a young philanthropist. This summer, he donated $1,600 to send 10 children from his hometown of Memphis to Glenview Summer Camp.
In a post on his blog, Bridges wrote, “Memphis is ranked the highest of child hunger; most kids only get a meal when school is in session. At the community center, the kids get a meal and play time. Giving back to my community really helped me feel humble. It also makes me smile because I see other kids smiling and enjoying the camp.”
What’s next for this inspirational kidpreneur? In a recent interview, Bridges said he wants to go college and start a full clothing line by the time he’s 20.
He’s got it all figured out, folks; Moziah Bridges has a happy, colorful life filled with business successes, social good, work-school-life balance, and solid goals for the future. And he still gets to bed at 8:30 every night!
What’s holding you back?

Via Inc
Rob told me JB was dead. JB was my best friend growing up. We sat next to each other on the bus. After school we’d play ping pong or pinball or monopoly or ride bikes. 
Every single day we did this for eight years. Then we drifted apart.
Rob said, The last time I spoke to him he sounded like a ghost.
It was like there was nothing there, Rob said. I hadn’t seen JB in 20 years.
He dropped out of college, Rob said, and never really had a job. His parents gave him money to live. He didn’t want to do anything. He changed his phone number every few weeks, Rob said. So he was hard to keep in touch with.
I didn’t understand. Why did he change his number every few weeks? He’d meet a girl, and then a few weeks later he’d get tired of her but not want to deal with it. He’d change his number so the girl couldn’t reach him, Rob said. And he moved a lot.
He had no Facebook page, no internet presence, it was hard to track him down, Rob said.
And it’s true. I had never found him on the Internet.
JB hurt his leg a few years ago, Rob said, and had no insurance because he never had a job. So got addicted to painkillers.
He was into the drug scene, Rob said. So no job, drifting phone numbers, a hazy identity, drug, nerve damage, pain killers. One day he never woke up, Rob said.
He was 39.
I don’t feel sad about this. People die. I haven’t seen him since we were 18 and on graduation day.
But I wonder about one thing Rob said.
“He was like a ghost the last time I spoke with him.”
We know when the body and mind are giving up. We know when spirit is exhausted. When the emotions don’t care.
He never had anything he wanted to do, Rob said.
Is that all it is? Do we just need something to do? Something that we want to scratch just a tiny bit so we continue one more day?
We don’t have to save the world. Or invent warm ice. Or time travel. Or even have a passion or a purpose.
When I was dead broke and crying I wanted to die just so my kids could have my life insurance policy. What got me to get up and go again?
And then later, when it happened again. And then again.
Why didn’t JB do that?
I call it “the push”.
You’re riding the bicycle up the hill all the time in life. Everything in life wants you to decay. To be subjugated. To be violated. To be tired. To become a ghost.
To roll back down the hill just when you thought you were close to the top.
It’s fucking tiring to live. What can give us THE PUSH?
I don’t know.
For me, today, it’s just this post. Some days, it’s to see my 11 year old smile. Sometimes, I just want to take a walk. Or help Claudia. Or do something fun and creative.
What’s your PUSH today? A little bit, every day, compounds. A little push today turns into a big life tomorrow.My one requirement: I have to give something. I have to enjoy it.
Else, it’s too draining. It’s a shit stain. I slip back on the hill.
A deep breath. You can do it, I tell myself. One more turn of the pedals. THE PUSH! Get over the hill!
Lets Not Waste Your Time Lets Get At It


The most obvious change from Windows 8 to Windows 10 is the new user interface. It’s still flat and modern looking, but Microsoft went through great efforts to make it work for both touchscreen devices and computers that rely mostly on a mouse and keyboard. While Windows 8 essentially forced a touch interface on users whether they had hardware that took advantage of it or not, Windows 10 works equally well on both touch devices and mouse-and-keyboard PCs. Fullscreen apps can now be easily windowed on the desktop, and there are new ways to arrange and manage multiple windows for easier multitasking.

    A big part of Windows 10’s interface overhaul is the new Start menu, which replaces the fullscreen Start screen of Windows 8. It’s a blend of the traditional Start menu from Windows 7 and earlier with the Live Tiles of Windows 8 and Windows Phone. Users looking for quick access to recently used apps, the file explorer, and power controls will be just as happy as those that want the extra information displayed by Live Tiles. It’s a really great blend of the old and new and rectifies one of the biggest complaints many had with Windows 8 (and Windows 8.1, which fixed some issues, but didn’t really go far enough).

    Windows 10 includes something that Microsoft has never offered in a desktop operating system before: a built-in virtual personal assistant. Cortana, which first became available on Windows Phone last year, is Microsoft’s answer to Google Now and Apple’s Siri, providing useful information at a glance. In Windows 10, Cortana is built into the system’s native search function, pulling in both local and web-based data whenever you perform a search on your machine. It also crawls your mail and calendar to provide updates on upcoming events, plane tickets, travel plans, and more without you having to ask for it.
    Cortana in Windows 10 is also able to be fully voice controlled and can even be activated with a simple “Hey Cortana” command. You can set reminders, perform searches, send email, add calendar events, and more with just your voice. If your experience with a PC has been mostly silent so far, Cortana might just get you talking to your computer and liking the results.

    Every major new version of an operating system comes with new versions of core apps for email, calendar, photos, mapping, and more. But with Windows 10, you might actually want to use these core apps, because the updated versions of them are actually quite good. The Mail and Calendar apps have been completely overhauled with new interfaces and features. They borrow a lot of ideas and design from Microsoft’s very highly rated Outlook app on iOS, and support a variety of email and calendar services. Threaded conversations, easy ways to delete or archive mail, and gesture controls make the new Mail app fast and efficient to use. Mail and calendar also provide a lot of data to make the Cortana personal assistant more useful, so even if you plan to use web tools to manage your inbox and appointments, it’s worth the time to set up your email and calendar accounts when you install Windows 10.
    The built-in Photos app has been redesigned with a new interface and plugs into Microsoft’s OneDrive service to make it easy to view all of the images or videos backed up from your phone. It also has automatic image enhancement features and basic editing tools. Maps has also been overhauled with a new interface and better integration with other parts of the system, such as Cortana.

    A big piece of Windows 10’s new interface is the Continuum feature, which lets devices that can be both tablets and PCs seamlessly switch between the two modes. Continuum allows Microsoft to keep the tablet-style interface ideas of Windows 8 without interfering with the desktop interface that works best with a mouse and keyboard. On a device like the Surface Pro 3, disconnecting the keyboard will switch apps to their fullscreen mode and turn the Start menu into a fullscreen experience. Pop the keyboard back on, and the interface will revert back to the windowed desktop and standard Start menu. Continuum will also allow smartphones to act as full-fledged computers when connected to appropriate displays, once Windows 10 is available on mobile later this year.

    Ever since Windows 95, Microsoft has included a web browser with its operating system. For years, that’s been Internet Explorer, which has been left behind by more modern browsers such as Google’s Chrome or Mozilla’s Firefox. For Windows 10, Microsoft is leaving the bloated and slow remnants of Internet Explorer behind and including Edge, its first new browser in 20 years. (Technically, Windows 10 still ships with Internet Explorer mostly for enterprise compatibility purposes, but most people using the system will be using Edge.)
    Edge is a completely overhauled browser that’s lean, fast, and supports modern web experiences. It also includes useful features such as integration with Cortana and a note-taking mode that lets you doodle on a web page and share it with others. The first version of Edge will still be too bare-boned for power users — conveniences such as extension support are not yet available — but for the vast majority of people, it should provide a much better web browsing experience than anything Microsoft has offered before.

    Windows 8 included a basic notification panel, but Windows 10 takes it to another level with its Action Center. Accessible via a swipe in from the right on the screen or trackpad or by clicking the icon in the task bar, Action Center organizes notifications by app and provides quick access to a number of commonly used settings. It’s completely customizable in terms of appearance and which apps display notifications, and you can even perform actions on certain alerts, such as calendar notifications.

    Windows 10 is coming with an all new Xbox app that lets you stream games from your console to a PC or laptop. It’s still a beta feature for now, but it works quite well over Wi-Fi and makes use of Windows’ native support for the Xbox’s USB controller. It also offers the ability to record your gaming session up to two hours in length right to your laptop’s drive. If you’ve been fighting for time on the TV to play games but other people are hogging the screen, this might be just the reason you need to get Windows 10.

    Windows 10 has a new, cleaner lock screen that’s available to everyone. But if you have a laptop or PC with supported hardware, the new Hello feature will let you log in without ever typing in a password. Just sit in front of your computer, and Windows 10 will recognize you and log in. It’s similar to image recognition login systems we’ve seen for years on Android, but Microsoft insists it’s far more foolproof thanks to the requirement of special cameras and infrared hardware. There aren’t many laptops that can take advantage of Hello just yet, but that will likely change quite a bit in a short time.

Our Nigerian Story

Cruising down the street this past Sunday when a car swung I mean jumped into my lane from the other side of the road.

I say “jumped” because instead of turning into the first lane, he decided to jump all the way into the second lane! So by the time I saw him, it was too late! Gbam! Crash! Clang!

I pulled over to the side of the road as sounds of horns from impatient drivers pierced my ears.

I accessed the damage … front light broken, side panel dinged, baby light abi fog light disengaged … I reviewed the cost in my head. At least N50,000 give or take.

If this was America, we would have exchanged Insurance information and left it to the insurance company to haggle over the cost.

But this was Nigeria where it was survival of the loudest or the most connected as the case maybe. If you can argue loudly in Nigeria you can drive on the wrong side of the road and still claim that you are right. And if you are rich or connected, you could pick up the phone and call that police officer or that army officer to beat the individual regardless of who is wrong or right. You can even get them to carry his car to the police station.

But if the level of loudness or connections balanced out … the decision defaults to the crowd. The collection of concerned and nosy passers-by, touts and road side sellers.

But today there was no crowd, my phone had no connection I mean contacts with connections, I was not loud and he was not loud. We just looked at each other …

I looked at him, he looked at me, I looked at my car, he looked at my car too, he looked at his car and I looked at his car too … a beat up panel-beated piece of loose metal panels held together by hope and prayers. After 5 minutes of looking, I just entered my car and drove off…THE END

Now I know some people are disappointed with the end of this story. With the fact that there was no action, there was no slapping or shouting, or collecting money or escorting him to the police station. You probably wanted a more climatic ending. But I learned there are just some things not worth fighting or stressing over.

You see, no matter how much I screamed or who I called, the maximum amount of money I would probably get from that guy would have been 5K and that would be stretching my luck. So rather than wasting my time and stressing my life, I just went home.

And its okay to go home, its okay to act un-Nigerian and not scream and shout. And that’s life … some battles you fight and others you let go… because the reward of victory is just not worth the fight sometimes. Happy Independence Nigeria  😚😃😚😃😚

After one caught fire recently in Dubai, another one on Sunday, while the owner was driving through Brentwood, Essex, caught fire from behind. According to the visible owner, who does not want his name in print, he only got the car less than a year and there are only 30 of it in the WORLD. He said, first he thought it was the clutch when he smelt a wire burning, then shortly after that he saw fire from behind and quickly pulled over. He rushed out of the car and called the fire service. According to him, they were so quick and prevented the whole of the car from burning but the total back had already been damaged and might as well be a write off, he said.

The car a Lamborghini Diablo VT costs £200,000. Is it that the manufacturers of new Lambos didn’t get something right?

Zimbabwean president Robert Mugabe yesterday took his anti-gay campaign to the ongoing UN General Assembly where he bluntly told world leaders at the United Nations that Africans are not gays and totally reject attempts to prescribe new rights including gay rights in Africa
"We equally reject attempts to prescribe "new rights" that are contrary to our values, norms, traditions, and beliefs. We are not gays! Cooperation and respect for each other will advance the cause of human rights worldwide. Confrontation, vilification, and double-standards will not." he said. Watch the video after the cut...
<iframe width="600" height="375" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

They say bald is beautiful. What they don’t say is that bald also makes for a pretty awesome husband. So before you skip over bald profiles for a guy with a full head of hair, consider this:
1. They Don’t Take Up A Lot of Bathroom Space
Bald guys don’t need all kinds of fancy haircuts, gels, moose or even a comb. They barely need shampoo. That means they’ve got more money laying about to spend on you. And, more importantly, more space in the bathroom for your toiletries.
2. They’re Better In Bed, Seriously
According to a 2009 study, women on Internet dating sites were 5x more likely to choose guys with a full head of hair. That means bald guys have 5x less chance to hook up. I’m not a statistician but I can tell you that x plus y equals bald men really making it count when they do hook up.
3. They Are Way More Sensitive
Feeling fat? Ugly? Bloated? Your bald boyfriend can TOTALLY relate. He lost all his hair! So he knows a thing or two about feeling bad about yourself and bouncing back. No doubt he’ll be sympathetic to your complaints and be ready with compliments, kisses and a rom-com in the DVD player.
4. Men’s Hair is Overrated
Have you ever really fallen for a guy because of his hair? All you have to do is watch this season of “The Bachelor” to know that the hair does not make the man. In fact, it can be downright distracting… not to mention disgusting. Plus, a man who doesn’t have to worry about quaffing his hair can spend more time doting on you.
5. They’re Already Bald
Perhaps the best thing about a baldie: they’ve already gone through the super painful process of going bald. Which means a) you won’t find man-hairs all over the place and b) you’ll never have to wonder if your man will look hot bald. He already is! Win-Win!
6. Bald isn’t Just Beautiful, it’s Super Hot
Admit it ladies, if Adam Levine shaved his head you would be all up on that. A bald head is super sexy. Don’t believe me? Drool over these botties (that’s bald-hotties). Tuface and BankyW are bald but they are the hottest celebs in Nigeria

Guest Post

They say it takes a village, and when you’re single, it actually might. (A village of friends, that is.) I personally could not do without mine; I need that mix of personalities to help keep me in check. I need a panel. A balanced one.
Here’s my list of indispensable friends:
I am lucky enough that one of my best friends is a shrink. No, really. It’s her actual job. This is what’s so great about having a shrink as a best friend: They never judge. And if they do, they don’t tell you. They use phrases like “Why are you engaging?” and “That’s okay, it’s how it makes you feel.” They will tell you it’s okay to call or text if that’s what you feel you need to do. And you believe them. Because it’s their job to help people.
“I have called 26 times. I can’t stop. Do you think I should call again?”
“If you feel you need to do that, then that’s what you need to do to get through it.”
They will tell you to ask yourself why you feel you need to do that (which of course is code for please don’t), but then give you permission to go right ahead. And sometimes you need to hit rock bottom before you can find your way to the top. They know that. And trust me, one day, you will too.
This friend will go to the ends of earth in support of your most unhealthy endeavors mainly because she enjoys watching the show. She will encourage you to do things — things you would never dream of doing — because she thinks it’s fun to watch. She is the equivalent of drinking 6 shots of tequila, giving you courage that you maybe shouldn’t have. She will tell you all of your craziness is justified. She will tell you that you are way better than he is. And she really does believe it. Why? Because she is your best friend and has your back no matter what. Even when you are 100% wrong. You need this person as a confidence booster. An alter ego, if you will. Even if it may sometimes get you into trouble, which, I assure you, it will.
This is crucial. You must have a judgmental friend. One who will make you feel this big when you tell her what you have done. She will tell you that the guy you are dating doesn’t like you, if he’s not treating you right. She will tell you he is not that into you and reinforce all of your deepest insecurities. She will make you feel like shit for days when you tell her about that text you sent that you know you shouldn’t have sent. There is nothing that can win her approval short of him showing up on your doorstep with 4000 flowers, and even then she still may think he sucks. But you do need her. Because sometimes, though not always — she’s probably right.
This one is tricky and you must tread carefully. First and foremost, it can’t be someone who may have feelings for you in any way. In that case, he may do his best to sabotage your relationship. It must also be someone who is able to have healthy relationships of his own and offer real advice you can stick to. It can’t be a playboy, someone who has never been in a relationship, or someone who is jaded against relationships of any kind. Because he’s of the opposite sex, you will think he’s are the authority of that sex. And that’s okay. Sometimes blind faith is good.
This is the friend that doesn’t choose a side. She is able to look at both sides of the argument and understand each. This person may surprise you with her diplomacy and you need her to keep you balanced. While the judger is making you feel like shit, the wing man is pulling you off a very dangerous cliff, the opposite sex is stereotyping the gender as a whole, and the shrink is telling you no matter how you feel it’s okay to feel that way even if it’s insane, which it most likely is, the voice of reason will be able to tie it all together for you. You need this person. She will tell you when you’re being bat shit crazy. She will help you put things in perspective, which you will need when things become unclear, as they often will.
*Note: This is the person you should listen to the most. You know that. But you won’t always. And that’s okay.
Your turn: Can you ID each of these friend types in your life? Did we miss anyone? Disagree with anyone we included? Tell us

From my mailbox…
Someone should please explain to me how guys reason because I don’t understand.
Why do guys think that they can do anything and still get away with it?. I don’t give a rat’s ass if the recent statistics show that the ratio of women to men is 3:1. Neither do I care if guys are in high demand and there are not enough of them to go round.  It’s no excuse, okay?.
What happened to me should never happen to any lady and single girl should ever have to go through what I went through…
Your girl was on her own. (I’m always on my own when stuff like this happens).
Okay, I admit that I had something to do with him coming to talk to me. You know that stuff that girls do when they see a good looking guy na, I gave him the stare-down, Hehehe. I would stare at him ehhn and he would do the same, then we would see who would be the first to look away, never speaking to each other.. Ever.. So my crush on him developed cos bravery is a turn-on for me… Anyway, we played this game all through my year one until one day the guy gathered liver to come and talk to me. You should have seen the look on my face because I wasn’t really expecting that at all but trust me, I recovered quickly. So we had a little convo and he got my phone number.  After, the usual 3 days ( rolling my eyes) he called me and said we should meet up and I agreed.
First hangout.
If you know me, you would know that I love to smell good, like I literally douse myself in perfume,not to the extent of ruining your nose but in a way that when you hug me, you’d never want to let go. So I saw him. Twas cool and we flowed pretty good and I was convinced that he was crush-worthy.. Until I heard a sound.
At first I thought it was one of those night sounds but I knew that ain’t no cricket alive that could ever make that sound. My people, Behold, a fart!. If there were other people around, I would have gladly pinned it on them but alas! No one!.. So I ignored it, we all fart except you are Kim Jong-un of North Korea without an asshole ( thank you The Interview .lol).
Then it happened again . Mehhn, this time I had to talk. Haba!.. It was plain rude.. I then asked him why he kept farting in my presence, the guy now had the audacity to say that it was a free world and then proceeded to fart again, this time with style.. Ehn?.. I composed.. No point in going crazy besides it was in open air and my nice smelling self didn’t allow me to get that personal with him by knowing what his fart smells like..
We walked on and kept gisting like nothing happened.  “it was a test” was the next thing I heard. Say what? “what was a test? ” I said feigning innocence. In my mind I was like “Nigga,let it go”.. But nooo, the idiot didn’t catch the hint that he should change the subject,  “My farting in front of you”  *sigh* I gave it to him. “what kind of stupid test is that one eh?. Don’t you guys have anything better to do than release your toxic gas in public and call it a test? “. He now went on to tell me that by farting in front of me and watching my reaction, he can tell what kind of girl I am… I know you were not behind this, it surely has to be one of those stupid boys boarding school follies.. Like WTF??.. What did he expect from me?. Was I supposed to smile and tell him his fart smelled lovely then go on to ask him what he ate for dinner that produced such lovely emissions and tell him how I would cook something better for him to eat so he can produce even more fragrant smells?. Is that the reaction that would have told him that I’m wife material or a correct person?? Chai, I have suffered!. I mean what is that all about?.. I looked this guy up and down, eyed him like a true Lagos-bred sister, told him good night and walked away.
The next day, my phone did not rest. I know it’s good to be tolerant but seriously, any guy that can do such in a lady’s presence and not apologize has no respect, test or no test. So I finally picked up my phone and told him never in his fart smelling life ever try that with me again and that I could understand if it was a lapse in judgement cos after all, we are all human. The guy apologized and we settled.
Ladies and gentlemen, My crush on him died that day though from time to time I still admire his handsome face in his whatsapp profile pictures, but I can’t over “the test” (Why do the fine boys have to be such asses? *sad*..)
Chopped fromhere

What's Your Take

These are just pictures but they tell stories that will either Educate,entertain or motivate you...

Shocking Indeed

Yesternight, Arsenal and Chelsea crashed to shock Champions League defeats at the hands of Porto 2-1, and Olympiakos 3-2, in a harrowing evening for the Champions League.

The Gunners, now without a win from their opening two games, face Bayern Munich in a double header to get their campaign back on track.
Chelsea's defeat to Jose Mourinho's former club Porto was their FOURTH of the season - and we're still in September...LMAO!

Arsenal's performance has come under fire after Arsene Wenger selected David Ospina in goal instead of Petr Cech.
Ospina was at fault for Olympiakos' second goal as he flapped at a corner and ended up catching it and stepping back over the line.

And while Alexis Sanchez managed to turn it on again, scoring a superb header on the back of the hat-trick at the weekend, the rest of Wenger's side were clueless and naive as the Greek's grabbed a surprise victory in north London.
Wenger defended the team selection post match, but questions have been raised over his decision to leave out Cech his £10m summer signing in such an important game.

"A goalkeeper can make a mistake that doesn't explain that we lose the game. It happened to Petr Cech already this season [against West Ham]," he said.
"It is still possible of course to qualify but it is difficult to swallow losing a game like that. We lost it on a lack of defensive concentration and bad luck. They had four shots on goal and we conceded three goals.
"The turning point at 2-2 is we give them a goal again straight away. If it stays 2-2 for five minutes we win the game."
Olympiakos had never won in England before.

In Portugal Mourinho’s prematch blast at his players seemed to have little effect.
Branislav Ivanovic was poor again and run ragged.
Willian had equalised Andre Andre’s opener but Maicon headed in a winner to stun the Blues.

"When you win matches, you perform well, it is easy to know your best team," Mourinho said.
"When the team is not winning on a regular basis it is normal that you have to make changes. After games like tonight it is difficult to analyse."
But, having already fallen to more defeats this season than they did last year, something is up.
Chelsea face the dynamic Southampton on Saturday and need to turn their season around quickly.

Edited from

*Chelsea fans how market?LMAO!

Ladies, I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but you know that wonderful male friend who offers you a shoulder to cry on or company when you can’t get a date on a Saturday night?
The one you are absolutely certain has no sexual interest in you whatsoever? That man is a liar. That man is a cheat. He is a con man guilty of friendship fraud. I know this because that man is me. And he’s every other man, too.
I’ve always fancied my female friends. At the age of ten, I fell in love with a girl called Pamela. Too shy to tell her how I felt, we stayed friends right through the hormonal onslaught of adolescence. She blossomed into a great beauty; I blossomed into a chubby blob. We’d get drunk together and she’d put her arms around me and say the words no man wants to hear: ‘You’re like a brother to me.’ When a woman says that to a man, what she is really saying is: ‘I would never go for somebody like you in a million years.’
This whole ‘I just want to be your friend’ thing doesn’t make much sense to men. We think that if you really like a man, if you really enjoy his company, his mind, his good manners, his humour and if you’re single, why wouldn’t you want to sleep with him?
In a survey by the University of Wisconsin, 88 sets of young male and female friends were asked to rate their attraction to each other in a confidential questionnaire.
It found that men — whether attached or single — were more likely to be attracted to their female friends and want to go on a date with them than the other way around. Put simply, it means that given half a chance, most men would jump at the opportunity of having sex with their female friends. And yet, despite what these and other researchers have discovered over the past two decades, many women still believe a man can carry on a friendship with a woman, free from any thought of hanky panky.
I know sophisticated and worldly women — married and single — who will say of their male friends: ‘Oh, he never thinks of me in that way.’ How naive they are!
It would be wonderful if men could be friends with a woman without ever imagining what it would be like to sleep with them. But then we wouldn’t be men.

They say that men think about sex every seven seconds. While this may be an exaggeration, we certainly think about our female friends in ways that would make them blush.

As far as guys are concerned, friendship is merely an aphrodisiac. A man can meet a woman who is not, at first glance, that attractive or his type. But as time passes and he gets to know how funny and smart and fun she is, that woman becomes very sexy indeed — and men don’t mind the long game, like I did with Pamela.
For three decades I did my duty as a loyal and devoted friend — I was the shoulder to cry on, the dispenser of tea and sympathy, hugs, advice and brotherly affection. I hid my disappointment when she gushed to me about her latest love, just as I hid my delight when it all went wrong. I did this because what I always carried with me was hope. I clung to the belief that one day Pamela might change her mind.
And that day — or, rather, that drunken night — actually happened. OK, so it took 30 years for it to occur, but one morning I woke up in bed next to my best female friend. In films, sex between ‘just friends’ is usually shown to be awkward and the whole encounter is portrayed as an embarrassing mistake.
But it wasn’t — for me. That night was worth waiting for and while we didn’t last as a couple, our friendship survived our little fling and I still see Pamela today. With other female friends I haven’t been so lucky. When I attempted to cross the friendship line with one woman, she slapped my face. Another said I was a ‘creep’.
My friend Lorraine just burst out laughing when I tried it on with her — and her reaction hurt far more than the other two. But the most disastrous encounter was with a woman I will call Emma, who I met during my school days. While I was ‘like a brother’ to her, she was like Bridget Bardot to me. We had a 20-year friendship. I never missed a birthday or a note of congratulation when she got her degree, married her husband or gave birth to her children.
I was the perfect male friend — until her marriage broke down.
Distraught at the break-up of her marriage, I did what a friend is supposed to do: I took her out to drown her sorrows. Yes, I confess that at the back of my mind was the thought that I could be in with a shot.
And then many drinks later, I went and spoiled it all by doing something stupid — like making a lunge for her. Later, she wrote me a long letter about how I had ‘betrayed her, used her, lied to her’ and compared me to some internet creep trying to ‘groom’ her. It seems that when a man discovers that a good female friend harbours sexual feelings for him he is flattered, but when a woman makes that discovery she feels saddened.
For women, friendship is about trust. When they say they want a cuddle, they really do just want a cuddle. When a man says he wants a cuddle, he means that he will tolerate one in the hope it leads to sex. But what is a chap supposed to do? If you hide your sexual feelings you feel like a fraud — but if you are honest and open your heart you can end up being condemned. So can the expectations and desires between men and women who are friends ever be reconciled?
Only if men realise that having sexual desire for a woman who is just your friend is fine — but trying to do something about it is not. (My success with Pamela was an exception to the rule.) Lose your self-control and you can easily lose a life-long friend. And for their part, women have to accept the fact that yes, he does think that way about you — but it’s no big deal, or it shouldn’t be. The best thing is if you can both be honest with each other, laugh it off and leave it behind. After all, what are friends for?

I’m negatively obsessed with Caitlyn Jenner. My photo album is enough proof. Me, Caitlyn, me, Bruce, my selfie, Caitlyn, Caitlyn. Etc etc.  Sometimes I get moody and when I remember Caitlyn Jenner is now a man, I burst into an uncontrollable laugher.
Anyways, to the main matter
She is the ultimate lady in red Chris De Burgh sang of.

For a 65 year old, she looks really good for an ex grandpa.

With a better sense of fashion. Just look at how those nails matches the colour of her lips, her bracelet and her jacket.

Who doesn’t want famous in-laws? Yours will never be this influential for nothing. Don’t hate.

Your girlfriend can’t even pull this Lara Croft look

Or look this stunning in a black bridal dress

Even the ladies can’t get enough of her.

Have you listened to Caitlyn Jenner’s voice? It’s very. . . courageous.

How does your girlfriend look in a bandage dress? Definitely not this hot even when she wears her waist trainer!

Let’s not forget Caitlyn Jenner oozes a certain Olympian confidence.

And she’s stronger than you and your girlfriend.

Very strong

Very, very strong.

And she has a penis like you.

670db03b11d90976bb98f4cd1fee6e  Screwed From A friend

This post is a bit controversial. Before I go on, have it at the back of your mind I don’t mean to scare or offend the menfolk. It would be nice if they heed to this advice anyway. Hehe
Lucky me! Whenever I go out, something weird happens that inspires me to write.
On my way back from church yesterday, I stopped by a junction to get a cab.
Five minutes gone and no cab in sight.
I felt someone pat my back and called me my wife in a strange tone.
As I turned to admonish the person, lo and behold it was a mad man.
He was not just mad, he was naked! He was not just naked, his manhood was fully erect!
They say in times of danger, never underestimate your inner strength. Now I truly believe all those stuffs Jet Li does in movies are not film tricks!!!
I saw myself do worse.
Before I could say God forbid, I was on the other side of the road without my shoes. I didn’t walk or run across, I flew! Danger gave me wings!
What threw me off balance was his gun looking penis. The mad man was as dark as Akon so you can imagine the trauma my eyes went through.
This incident arouse my curiosity.
Why do all mad men have big penis? I am no pervert but that’s the first thing I look out for when I see a naked mad man and believe me, this wild breed of humans have never disappointed me.
Its a pity watching them walk from dump site to dump site with their scrotum bigger than their bags of trash.
Jokes aside, I have never seen a naked mad man with a small penis. Its either they are out there but shy to let it loose or the mad men with big dicks conspired amongst themselves and killed the small dick ones because they are a disgrace to the society for mad men.
You feel me?
In case you are wondering how they ended up mad, yours truly did a little investigation and my inferences are better explained in the story below…
Once upon a time, these men were once sane. They had girlfriends like others, had nice rides, they wore suit&tie etc.
One day, they stripped in front of a mirror and they liked what they saw. They told themselves
”I am the baddest guy ever liveth. This my equipment is too long/ too large for just one girl to enjoy, I have to get her a helper(s)”
And so the big penis sane man goes out and chases everything in skirt.
The heartbroken faithful girlfriend soon realises her boyfriend has refused to zip down for only her and the toilet.
She lies down naked and puts a curse on her boyfriend. (we girls do that a lot. Hehe)
A few days later, the curse takes its effect and another #teambigdick mad man is released into the streets.
From this my short story, I have been able to drawn the following facts.
1. The moment a guy starts letting his penis control his brain, madness is just whistling around the corner. All that unused mental energy will one day explode. When that happens, the sane
man throws caution into the wind and run into the streets naked. (beginning of madness)
2. All things being equal, the bigger a man’s penis, the higher the chances of him ending up mad.
(I think I saw this in Aristotle’s diary)
3. Most of the mad men on the streets don’t need a psychiatric hospital or TB Joshua to deliver them because they are cursed. The family of the mad man needs to find his ex girlfriend(s) and beg her/them for forgiveness on his behalf.
4. Every time a guy cheats on his faithful, God fearing girlfriend, he is one orgasm closer to getting mad.
5. If you are a man with a big penis and you know its difficult to padlock that monstrous meat (MEANING YOU GONNA BE MAD SOMEDAY). Cut it off!
You can always pee via a catheter.
Even Mathew 5:30 says if your right
hands causes you to sin, cut it off.
A tool that does less work than your right hand does not deserve such leniency.\
Culled from Somewhere On The Web

It’s hard to believe that Michael Jackson’s son Blanket — whom the singer notoriously dangled over the balcony of a hotel — is already 13-years-old!
The teen (real name Prince Michael Jackson II) is making headlines after he appeared in a yearbook — which can be seen on Radar Online — with his fellow seventh graders after completing a year at The Buckley School in Sherman Oaks, Calif.!
Blanket balcony
MJ infamously “dangled” Blanket, then an infant, outside a hotel in Germany. (Photo Credit: Getty Images)
Prior to his enrollment at the competitive private school, MJ’s son was homeschooled, but according to a school insider, the teen — who goes by “Bigi” at school — has matriculated well!
He’s “a very good student,” the source tells Radar Online.
RELATED: Prince Jackson Is a High School Graduate!
“He is definitely the opposite of Paris and Prince and he is more on the quiet side,” the source says of his siblings.
“Michael would be proud of Blanket. He is really sweet, funny and helpful.”
Michael Jackson kids
Blanket with sister Paris, 17, and brother Prince, 18, in 2012. (Photo Credit: Getty Images)
Though he was seven-years-old when his father died in 2009, the source can see the late King of Pop’s influence on the youngster.
“He volunteers to help the younger kids and he is really good with them,” the insider gushes. “He probably got that from his dad.”