What Exactly Your Cuddling Style Says About You

What Exactly Your Cuddling Style Says About You

Little Spoon

You're the smaller one in this bodies-intertwined scenario, which means you prefer to feel protected. It's likely that you rock the boss lady role all day (whether that's in the corner office or pullin' mommy duty like woah doesn't matter), so you like to unwind and let someone else take the reigns. That means you like to be taken care of and supported, but can't be suffocated either (which explains why you can't stand his legs all over you. Follow the spoon!). It's all about balance for you, so don't give up your weekly Shondaland with the girls, or that monthly book club. Not only is it good for your relationship—experts say it's important to foster hobbies and interests outside of the relationship—but it satisfies your need for independence, too.

Big Spoon

It's probably very difficult for you to relinquish control, no matter where you are or who you're with. You may feel insecure more often than you'd like to admit, and your husband taking the more "vulnerable" cuddling position could be a subtle form of reassurance that he needs you as much as you need him. It's also how you like to show affection—rather than letting him be the one to initiate (because, again, you're a take-charge kind of gal), this is your way of displaying emotion when you're behind closed doors. We're not surprised if you're also the one to grab his hand when walking down the street, plan your weekly date night, and initiate important relationship conversations. Just remember, he might want to surprise you every now and then, too (although with your need-to-know attitude, pulling that off is pretty tough). So do the guy a solid and, even though you picked which night is date night, let him choose the activity.


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