Do you wanna know what acne/pimple is all about? oya legggoooo

What is Acne?  Acne is the occurrence of inflamed or infected sebaceous glands in the skin  It starts when greasy secretions from the skin's sebaceous gland plug the tiny opening for hair follicles. Have you ever noticed that 8 out of 10 people you meet everyday are suffering from the brutal hand of acne/pimples? It is true that acne is most common in teenagers, though it can appear at any time in a person’s life. Acne breakouts can appear on your face, neck, back, shoulders, chest, and buttocks though we have other Skin disorder like eczema, skin burn, blemish, freckles, blackheads, whiteheads. Acne can be quite a nuisance causing you to feel insecure and less of yourself and self conscious in certain social setting, trust me, listen to what i have to tell you i have been suffering from acne for more than 2years (can't watch smiley) am sure some of my Readers will concur to this fact.Your acne will get worse if you dont treat it and it will keep breaking out. I have used different household product; Clean & Clear, Neumedrol, Clearasil, Neutrogena, Royallux to mention but a few.

Acne/Pimple can be controllable, guess what, it is not caused by eating greasy food GBAM! or eating Chocolate whoever says that is a .... because i have  lot of friends who are chocolate addict and their skin is wow crystal clear, I do not really subscribe to junk food, is not my way... ( reason for being a size 6) lolz yet acne visits my face monthly.

I took it upon myself to make a research on the shameful acne, you know what pimples has caused by INFLAMMATION not by diet or what you eat. Basically acne is not caused by greasy food and bacteria as people say, I dont want to go into details  or bore you with my findings about inflammation. Bacteria is only 15% of the cause of acne. Acne is caused by several factors like  mainly the oil in your sweat glands and Skin Cells. Since the cause are things we do not see, we need to fight it from the inside, we must aggressively fight it. hmmmmmmn, I think with the little point of mine i have been able to intimate you about what acne is all about. My fingers just gave me a hurtful sign i need to go and sleep (yawn), stay tuned as i bring to you the natural cure to this shameful acne.

Please do not hesitate to leave your comments,questions and views....until then, keep drinking water, clean water, good water.


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