Transformed Person: Checkout the shocking transformation of this skinny guy ....

A man who spent his younger years as a lanky chap has revealed his transformation into a muscular giant.
Once skinny and 6ft 8in, Martyn Ford was just like any other young man with no interest in muscle mass.But now he's a tattooed and muscular beast - with a career in acting and weightlifting .
He said of the photo above

Sometimes I still see myself as I was, and anyone who has ever been in this position I would imagine do so the same! On the left I was around 12 stone, which at 6'8 is not a great weight! Been this skinny was the worst time of my life, if you've ever been there, you know what I mean. So now , ten years on, I still feel I have a way to go, it's a long process and will I ever be happy? Who knows, when I say my biggest challenge is the man in the mirror, you see why! I couldn't care how good or bad the man next to me in the gym looks, I do this for me and no one else!


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