The downside of blogging.

Every new or i'd rather say upcoming blogger can relate to this: there are certain days we don't just have anything to blog on, no inspiration or just anything worth driving traffic to your blog.

Well, this predicament falls more on those who aren't blogging on celebrity news and gossip. When it comes to original content walahi, blogging no easy
No inspiration isn't an excuse though , "he who decides to blog should know how to keep it running"- Naija mom.

We will all get to that point where we publish just anything and we won't loose blog visitors just like those that have made a strong name in blogging.

I admire them sincerely, they could publish just anything that makes no much meaning and the comments it generates is even more than the comments I get in a week.

Example : What is wrong with this picture?

After giving it such a title one actually begins to crack his or her brain looking for what is wrong? ‎Sincerely, is anything wrong with it?

Or they go like; Tweet of the day. ‎

They will publish it and go to groove for hours while internet trolls derail the post.‎

Another common post to keep visitors busy is, lifting pictures off celebrity instagram pages just like this...

And you read sincere comments like; " awww...beautiful ", " my favourite actress " and heartbreaking ones like " go and marry", hian!

Just a random silly question is another way to keep their blog running and visitors returning.

White or black?

Some comments comes out sincere with reasons backing up their decision‎ like say na university thesis while others will just make you wonder how they got a device with internet connection.

But if we upcoming bloggers try any of these blunders, our traffic reduces as if we insulted them.‎

To myself and all new and existing 
bloggers, "we shall get there"!

As written by diary of a naija mom 

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