These are things I’ll tell my sister when she turns sixteen, there might be some changes tho, I don’t know. I just feel like young girls make a lot of decisions during that age based on all the wrong information. These are things I’ll probably tell any sixteen-year-old I care about
1. No, things are not messed. Your head’s just in the wrong places.
2. You are not weird. Everybody is. You’re normal. But by now you know, Normal is overrated.
3. The world is larger than boys
4. You have only just began, slow down, gather strength.
5. Ask mom about stuff, not your bestie.
6. If you find your bible boring, get a new translation, or a pink one (if you are a girly girl) and a study guide.
7. People are like you. They make mistakes, they disappoint. Get over it, fast.
8. Don’t look for unearthly things in earthlings. Look above, Look above.
9. Listen to Dad when he talks, The man is wise.
10. Chill on Facebook, and the internet, don’t be too afraid of your own company.
11. Don’t fall too madly for yourself, Go out, see the world.
12. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.
13. Don’t believe all the stories, most of them are made up.
14. Don’t be too hard on yourself if you can’t stand boldly for what you believe and what you know, just don’t stop believing and don’t forget it. Boldness will come.
15. Life is not short, or long. Life is life. If you want to know more about it ask the author. God.
16. Read Mere Christainty by C.S. Lewis
17. You will not understand some days. Let them go. Another day awaits.
18. Examine all things before you take them in. Don’t eat rotten food.
19. School is important.
20. Learn to overlook things.
21. Don’t complicate simple things.
22. Listen to good music, it makes almost everything better.
23. You are not enough, God is. In Him, you are.
24. There are no trends better than the ones you set or follow in your head.
25. Be careful where your eyes go.
26. Everything passes. You’ll soon be 85.
27. Sex isn’t a thing. Sex is more. Sex is beautiful don’t mess it up by treating it anyless. God made it, God knows it. Would you run my computer without me? No, you need my password. Or say, an hacker. But still you won’t find what you are looking for without me.
28. Choose to be pure. It will save you a great deal of trouble.
29. Don’t be experimental with your life. Be sharp and chill.
30. Don’t join the fake tales bandwagon. It will show up in the future, and you won’t like it
31. You are accepted, you are beloved. Don’t go finding yourself in all the wrong places when you were never lost.
32. Dress nice. Look pretty. Inside. First.
33. You are not alone. Never ever.
34. Find beauty in the ordinary.
35. Speak the truth even if your voice shakes.
37. Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young. Be an example.
38. Love. Understand that God is love. And there are no types to it. It is either love or not love.
39. Lift your eyes away from self. Most of your mind wars will begin to fade.
40. Breathe. Breathe. What exactly are you angry about?
41. All things are working for good. In the end, you’ll see.
42. You are Sun. Shine.
43. Say sorry. It takes two proud men to ague. Say sorry, and chew you pride.
44. Share.
45. Feel the emotions, feel em run around in your veins. Just don’t become the emotion.
46. When you are exhausted, run to rest. Run to Jesus.
47. Be thankful.
48. Don’t say everything that dances around your tongue, even if you think it’s true, especially to Mom and Pop. Bad idea.
49. Don’t be a salve to objects, don’t be a salve at all. You’ve been set free, don’t chain yourself down to mere things. Stay free.
50. Be open. It will make it easier to help you, to carry you, to love you.
51. You are rare. Be aware.
12 days to Christmas! Whoop whoop!

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