2800 thousand Days

Feed on these words 

"28 Thousand Days"

Blood in my eye, hand on my heart
Feet on the ground, head to the sky
Cause trouble ain't no friend of mine
Ain't no giving it up, no more wasting time

If you had 28 thousand days
Who would you love? Where would you go?
What would you celebrate?
I'm telling you that life's too short to just throw it away
So have the time of your life, so have the time of your life

Back from hell with my angel wings
Ain't no fear in my voice
Cause I'm making a choice
The devil ain't no friend of me
And that clock on the wall is telling me
(That there's just...)

There's only 28 thousand days
Who would you love? Where would you go?
What would you celebrate?
I'm telling you that life's too short to just throw it away
So have the time of your life, so have the time of your life

There's only 28 thousand days
Who would you love? Where would you go?
What would you celebrate?
I'm telling you that life's too short to just throw it away
So have the time of your life, so have the time of your life


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