They say, "whatever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger." That is quite true (in a way sha).
Although i believe that: being stronger or weaker at the end of the (virtually) deathly experience depends on how, when and where you received the blow that woulda killed you (spiritually, physically or emotionally).
BECAUSE, truly, many people get weak(er) after certain 'killer' or 'fatal' experiences.
I recently saw a photo (the one above) of ’THE JOKER'- the villainous character in the movie, 'THE DARK KNIGHT'. He thinks: "whatever doesn’t kill you simply makes you stranger."
Now i know, i know…..he's the bad guy!!!! but I AGREE with him and i think that that statement applies to humans (including you reading this - unless you are an alien).
*lemme prove it*
Some synonyms of the word: ‘STRANGE’ include:
Not normal, odd, unusual, unfamiliar, bizzare, old, singular, weird, fremd, new, unknown.
Basically, the word, 'Strange’ revolves around one thing- ‘CHANGE'.
"whatever doesn't kill you will simply change you".
CHANGE is a normal process, an adaptive response to stress or trauma. PATHOLOGY teaches that: when a cell is faced with an injury, stress or insult, it does either of two things: ADAPT or DIE.
NOW some people be like: "oh, you have changed...ah, you have changed."
*i get that too*.
But they fail to sit back and ask themselves: "what caused this change?" They rather rush into condemning that change. In most cases, when people change, it is an adaptive process to a blow/ trauma/ insult they received.
So before you think of condeming the change you see in a human, know that that change you see is most likely as a result of what that person who you think has changed has passed through- something that (almost) did some killing (spiritually, physically or emotionally).
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