After showing off the colourful birds to the host backstage, Jeremy asked him:
"Do you want to look like a parrot?"He replied..
Obviously I'm not going to look exactly like them. They have their eyes on the side of their head."But if I could have my eyes moved I would."

"I didn't like them. I love body modification."Ted knew he'd always been different and before he met his girlfriend Suzannah - who is also a body modification fan - he saw his parrots, Elliem, Teaka, Temineh, Jake and Bubi as the closest thing to family.
"Before I was with Suzannah I was with nobody, and to me they were my children. They even sleep in my bed."

Host Jeremy admitted that despite initially thinking he was "weird" he could tell he was genuinely happy with his life.
"There's nothing wrong with being different," he concluded. Daily Mirror
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