Another clip shows him bounding around the playground while latching on to a big group of his peers, while another shows him with his arm covering his mouth due to his apparent fear of his bad breath (top right). The footage has emerged just hours after the 27-year-old was reportedly killed in a missile strike in the centre of Islamic State's stronghold of Raqqa in Syria.

Video footage shows Emwazi messing around in the playground of the north London school with his peers

Another piece of footage shows him bounding around the playground while latching on to a group of his peers

Emwazi, pictured as a schoolboy, was said to have wanted to become a Premier League star, scoring goals for Manchester United by the age of 30. He moved to the UK from Kuwait, aged six, and lived in north London

Emwazi, a university graduate from Queen's Park, London, was able to flee to Syria despite being on an MI5 watchlist and quickly became known as 'Jihadi John' for his appearance in a string of horrific killings (right)
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