Which of these is your sexuality?

1. Heterosexual – a person attracted to people of the other sex

Heterosexuals are males attracted to females and vice versa.
2. Homosexual – a person attracted to people of the same sex

We have gay people, as in males who are attracted to males, and lesbians – females who are attracted to females.
3. Bisexual – a person attracted to people from both his/her own sex and the opposite sex

Mind you, bisexuals aren’t hetero or homosexuals, they do stand on their own.

But do you know about these:
4. Asexual – a person who doesn’t experience sexual attraction

5. Aromantic – a person who doesn’t feel any romantic attraction to people

6. Demisexual – a person who is only sexually attracted to a person s/he shares a deep emotional bond with

7. Sapiosexual – A person sexually attracted to intelligence

8. Greysexual – a person who is both asexual and sexual

9. Demiromantic – a person who feels romantic attraction only in the presence of an emotional bond

10. Polysexual – a person who can be sexually attracted to some varieties of gender, but not all

11. Pansexual – a person who is sexually and romantically attracted to people from all the genders

12. Gender Fluid – a person who can identify as being both male and female

13. Skoliosexual – a person who is sexually attracted to gender fluid people

14. Androsexual – a person who is sexually attracted to men

A person can be heterosexual, or homosexual to be an androsexual. It is based on the gender they are attracted to, rather than their own.
15. Gynesexual – a person who is sexually attracted to women

Similarly as androsexual, both lesbians and straight people can be gynesexual.
16. Lithoromantic – a person who is capable of feeling romantic attraction but doesn’t want it reciprocated

I think I fall under  five of the above categories. I think.


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