My blog is down

Hey everybody, my website is acting up due to a data base error.
Usually, downtime lasts 8 minutes or less but I experienced a downtime of more than ten hours yesterday.
It’s very frustrating and I didn’t realise how attached I am to this blog until yesterday. If I want to quit, I want to do it on my own terms and not because of a technical error so I need to get this fixed ASAP.
Sadly, my hosting company is not helping much. They are asking me to upgrade to VIP hosting for $805, a price higher than my house rent but I want to believe there are cheaper alternatives.
I’m currently looking for a permanent solution and I would not be updating this blog until my frontend and backend works fine.
If you need to contact me for anything or you can help me in any way, write me on my email; nathaniel.Shammah@ mail . com
Don’t forget to stay in touch via my social media handles.


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Disclaimer: All comments on are that of the readers and not Shamzy's and do not express our (Shamzy's) view(s). Readers are liable for their comments. However, if you want me to put down a post, you can mail me to that effect, should in case you want to use the comments against me, remember we aren't laymen.
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twitter : shammahn