Full Scholarships at University of Reading UK
Full Scholarships at University of Reading UK. Fully funded research studentships are available for all international / overseas (non UK & EU) students enrolling PhD degree for October 2016 at University of Reading – UK. The studentships are available for the most outstanding students for research within the faculties ofScience, Humanities and Social Science, Life Sciences and Arts. There is no restriction on the nationality of the students, except that the students must come from outside EU countries. Applicants must meet all the entry requirements for the program and must meet the English language admission requirement.
Full Scholarships at University of Reading UK
Level of Education
Studentships available for PhD degree only.
HIGHLY RECOMMENDED:Register Your Phone Number For Scholarship SMS Alert in 2016
Subjects or Fields of Study
Studentships are only available for faculties of Science, Humanities and Social Science, Life Sciences and Arts.
Amount of Scholarships
There are 2 studentship categories:
Fully funded studentships will receive:
full tuition fees at the international / overseas students rate.
stipend (subsistence grant).
allowance for training and development.
Tuition fees only studentships will receive:
full tuition fees at the international / overseas students rate.
allowance for training and development.
Duration of Scholarships
Studentships are available for up to 3 (three) years.
Full Scholarships at University of Reading UK
To be eligible for this scholarship, the applicants must meet all the conditions below:
Students must come from countries outside of UK & EU. There is no other restriction on the nationality of the students.
Students must meet all the entry requirements for the PhD program.
Students must meet the English language entry requirement.
Students must enroll for October 2016 start.
Students must apply to faculties of Science, Humanities and Social Science, Life Sciences and Arts.
Number of Scholarships Available
1 (one) studentships for fully funded (category 1)
6 (six) studentships for full tuition fees only (category 2)
Scholarships available for all international (non UK & EU) students. There is no other restriction or nationality criteria.
Selection Criteria
Please take note on the above eligibility criteria carefully.
The fully funded studentships will be awarded to the students in any area within the faculties mentioned above.
The 6 studentships for full tuition fees only, will only be awarded to the students with the following research themes: Environment, Food, Health, Prosperity & Resilience, Heritage & Creativity.
How to Apply
You must apply online via their online admission portal. You need to upload your research proposal as well, with maximum length of 500 words excluding references. Please check their website for more info & guidance notes.
Full Scholarships at University of Reading UK
Application Deadline
The closing date for this studentship isJanuary 29, 2016 for October 2016 start.
Please take note on the deadline. Late submissions will not be entertained!
Result Notification
Recipients of the studentships will receive a formal award letter by April 25, 2016. Please note that this letter will be provided separately from other Offer of Admission letter.
Unfortunately, due to high volume of applicants, unsuccessful applicants will not be informed. So, if you have not received a formal studentship letter by April 25, 2016 that’s the indication that you have not successful in the competition.
Important Notes
Please write the summary of your research proposal, your skills and your relevant experiences carefully, with maximum length of 500 words excluding references.
Follow their notes and guidelines when apply online.
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